Intimate details of Jayme Closs' long-awaited first meeting with her family after going missing
Jayme Closs went missing more than three months ago after she witnessed the fatal shootings of her parents.
The 14-year-old teen was held captive but managed to escape last week and was reunited with her family and aunt, Jennifer Smith, on Monday.
Her family – and even her dog – had gathered at Smith's house to welcome Closs back with open arms. Needless to say, there wasn't a dry eye in the house.
Closs' cousin, Lindsey, told reporters that everyone is ecstatic about the teen's return and that she will stay with Smith. Lindsey added:
“She had a smile on her face, and she hugged every person. Everyone was in tears of happiness. We’re just pretty excited. We set up Jayme’s room that day before she got home.”
Since her return, the 21-year-old kidnapper and murderer, Jake Thomas Patterson of Gordon, was charged with two counts of murder and one kidnapping charge.
He is currently being detained at the Barron County Sherrif's Office, and the lead investigator on the case said they are not searching for any other suspects.
Authorities have reason to believe that Closs was the target all along and that Patterson killed her parents in order to "remove all barriers" to the teenager.
Closs was held captive approximately 70 from her home, but escaped last week and was found by a resident of Gordon, Wisconson, while out walking her dogs.
Closs has not given any indication of what she endured at Patterson's hands. For now, her family says she is "all smiles" and "happy to be back."
Smith will consult with a professional counselor on how to tend to Closs' needs and said the family would "figure out the rest out" as they go.
The family is glad to report on the Healing for Jayme Closs Facebook group that the teenager had a "pretty good night sleep" on her first day back. Smith added:
“It was great to know she was next to me all night what a great feeling to have her home. As a family, we will get through all of the healing processes Jayme has. It will be a long road but we are family strong, and we love this little girl so much!! We will do anything and everything!!”
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