Devastated teen is bedridden for life after he sold a kidney to buy an iPhone
A Chinese man is bedridden for life after selling one of his kidneys in the black market to buy a couple of Apple electronics.
25-year-old Wang Shangkun was only 17 years old when he made the rash decision of undergoing the illegal and very dangerous surgery in 2011.
Now, eight years later, the remaining organ has failed and he relies on dialysis to stay alive.
Shangkun explained that he desperately wanted to show off to his friends, which was why he wanted to buy the latest iPhone and iPad models.
It has been reported that, at the time, Shangkun said he didn't need two kidneys and one was enough, but seems like that way of thinking has caught up to him.
Shangkun's family had always been very poor, so he didn't have the money to buy the products. Eventually, he managed to schedule a surgery through He Wei, the leader of a gang he met in an online chat room.
The surgery was conducted in the city of Chenzhou, in China's Hunan province, by two doctors and a surgeon who worked at nearby hospitals.
Shangkun received around $3,500 for the kidney, with the rest of the money being divided among the members of the gang and the doctors.
17-year-old Shangkun bought an iPhone 4 and an iPad 2 with the money, but later developed an infection due to the unsanitary setting where the procedure took place.
It was reported that the case eventually reached the proper authorities and nine people, including the doctors, were arrested in 2012, with the family receiving a $300,000 compensation.
Illegal procedures can be life-threatening, and K. Michelle, the famous R&B singer, learned that the hard way after being forced to repair her body after silicone injections that went bad.
Michelle had to undergo four surgeries and two blood transfusions to repair the damage done to her body by the implants, which were supposed to enhance her rear and hips.
During an interview with People Magazine, the singer admitted that she knew the man who gave her the shots was not a doctor but decided to go on with the procedure anyway because she wanted to "look like a coke bottle."