Remember Comedian Richard Pryor? His 3rd Daughter Described the Day She Finally Met Him
Richard Pryor was a stand-up comedian and actor who had seven children with six different women. His third daughter, Rain, shared some details about the day she met Richard for the first time.
The man was a very popular person who even won an Emmy Award and five Grammy Awards throughout his career. His second wife, whom he married in 1967 and divorced in 1969, was a Jewish woman named Shelley Bonus.
“Jokes My Father Never Taught Me”
With her, Richard welcomed to the world his third daughter (and fourth child) Rain Pryor, who followed in her father’s footsteps and became an actress and comedian.
Apart from that, Rain wrote and released a book two years after Richard’s passing titled “Jokes My Father Never Taught Me,” wherein she revealed that she was four years old when she met her father for the first time.
In Richard's "nice" house
It happened in 1973 when her mother took her on a ride without telling her the destination. After questioning a lot, Shelly finally said in a very angry way that they were going to meet her father, who lived a few miles away.
Once they arrived, Rain noticed that Richard’s house was “nice.” Her mother agreed and stated that he lived in a palace while she and her daughter lived in “a dump in the wrong part of Beverly Hills."
Maxine, Richard’s girlfriend at the time, welcomed Shelly and Rain and told the girl,
“You see that handsome man right over there? The one holding court? Well, that’s your daddy. Go on; he’s waiting to meet you, been talking about it all day.”
They were two peas in a pod
When Rain saw Richard, who was having a small party, it was like looking at a mirror, as Rain described in her book.
Richard must have also considered that it was like looking at his reflection as he told one of his entourage, “she looks just like me, doesn’t she? Ain’t denying this one’s mine!” [sic].
After that, he motioned Rain to get closer, but the girl was a little afraid. However, she asked him if he "really" was her father.
Richard responded that he was indeed her dad, that he made her, and that she shouldn’t be afraid. Rain wrote in her book:

Richard Pryor at the Kahala Hilton Hotel in 1986 | Source: Wikimedia Commons
The beginning of a wonderful relationship
“He held me tight and kissed me again, and I felt like crying, but I'd have been crying with happiness. I was home. I was sitting on my daddy's lap. I had a daddy, just like other little girls, and he was real, and he was nice, and he was kind to me, and he smelled awful good.”
From that point on, their relationship grew stronger until the day Richard died on December 10, 2005, aged 65. He suffered a heart attack in Los Angeles and, even though his then-wife, Jennifer Lee, tried to resuscitate him, she failed.