'A lot of work': dad-of-5 Donald Trump Jr not afraid to reveal soft side with pics of his kids
Donald Trump Jr is not a chip off the old block when it comes to parenting his five children with Vanessa Haydon, as his Instagram pictures prove.
Former model Vanessa Haydon Trump filed for an uncontested divorce in 2018 which was later contested by Donald Trump Jr. Thankfully, Trump Jr and Haydon have resolved custody of their much-loved brood since then.
Donald Sr once famously said to New York magazine:
"The hardest thing for me about raising kids has been finding the time. I know friends who leave their business so they can spend more time with their children, and I say, 'Gimme a break!' My children could not love me more if I spent fifteen times more time with them."
It seems his son, who admitted to learning more from his maternal grandfather than from him, begs to differ when it comes to raising his children and being a good father figure and role-model to them.
The marriage between Vanessa and Donald Jr may have come apart at the seams, but the couple is trying to make sure that their children survive intact.

Donald Trump's grandchildren. | Source: Instagram/DonaldTrumpJr
Donald Trump's much-publicized divorce from Ivana Trump after it was discovered he was in a relationship with Marla Maples devastated their three children.
It has been reported that Don Jr refused to speak to his father for a year after the incident and Ivanka came home crying from school every day with little Eric believing he would never see his dad again.
Now that Donald Jr and Vanessa have called it quits, it seems the couple wants to make sure that their five children don't suffer similar emotional distress.

Donald Trump's grandchildren. | Source: Instagram/DonaldTrumpJr
Not only does Donald Jr spend quality time with his children, but he also makes sure they are present at important family and political events where Trump family memories are being made.
Who could forget the funny picture Trump Jr posted of his children attending the signing in of their grandpa as the 45th president of the United States with Tristan looking "thrilled to be there?"
While it is sad that Vanessa and Don Jr have not worked out, we are confident that they will co-parent in a much more responsible fashion than Ivanka and Donald Sr did. As Don knows from personal experience:
“Listen, it’s tough to be a 12-year-old. You’re not quite a man, but you think you are. You think you know everything. Being driven into school every day and you see the front page and it’s divorce! THE BEST SEX I EVER HAD! And you don’t even know what that means. At that age, kids are naturally cruel. Your private life becomes very public, and I didn’t have anything to do with it: My parents did.”