Nurse tech blesses her patient by singing 'Amazing Grace' in the hospital room
Social media often gets bad press for all the negative impact it has on the world but recently it reminded us of the fact there are many ways in which it can still enrich our lives.
Olivia Kilburn was in the hospital visiting her grandmother when she witnessed a beautiful performance from a beautiful person.
Hospitals are anything but comfortable and while we’re all thankful for the wonderful work done by the doctors making patients feel at home is not high on their list of priorities.

Mikea singing to her patients. Image credit: Facebook/Olivia Kilburn
Nurses often fill as much of that void in the hospital as they can. They chat with patients and do what they can to keep patients happy and at ease.
However occasionally nurses go above and beyond the call of duty, and when Olivia’s grandmother’s nurse stepped up and went the extra mile for her patients, Olivia wanted to make sure the whole world knew what great work she’s doing.
Mikea is the nurse who was looking after Olivia’s mother. She’s known for humming songs as she made her way through the wards checking in on her patients.

Mikea's appreciative patient. Image credit: Facebook/Olivia Kilburn
That led Olivia’s grandfather to ask Mikea if she could sing a song for them. Mikea obliged and performed a heart-wrenching rendition of Amazing Grace.
Mikea’s performance left the patients and visitor’s in awe. In the facebook video, it’s clear how much the performance means to the patients.
“My granny is sick at St. Thomas hospital in Nashville, and she has been blessed with the BEST nurse tech,” Olivia wrote.

A family member of Mikea's patient. Image credit: Facebook/Olivia Kilburn
There are truly special nurses in hospitals around the country and last year another nurse’s performance around the world.
More than 4.7 million viewed the video of Olivia Neufelder as she sang “Dancing in the Sky” for her terminally ill patient, Margaret Smith in 2017.
“Words cannot describe the appreciation and love we feel for nurse Olivia who mom calls her angel!” Megan Smith wrote:
“Your dedication to your patients is beyond any that I have seen, you truly are a beam of light, and I cannot thank you enough for the compassion and care and love you shared for my mother.”
While Margaret passed away a few days later, there can be no doubt that Olivia’s loving actions helped give her peace in her final days.