Simon Cowell Couldn't Hold Back His Tears after an Act by an Almost 'Stabbed to Death' Police Dog
A heroic police dog’s story moved Simon Cowell to tears during an audition for Britain’s Got Talent.
It was during an audition for Britain’s Got Talent that Simon Cowell, the show’s head judge, learned of the story of Finn, the German shepherd. Finn and his handler PC Dave Wardell came to perform a magic trick for the judges.
As part of the act, a video presentation was made to show Finn’s inspiring act of heroism and the grave trauma the animal suffered as a result. The story involved a suspect that the pair had in a corner during an arrest in Stevenage, Herts. The panicked assailant attacked Finn with a 10-inch knife wounding him in the head and chest. Finn protected his handler from harm by continuing to take hold of the suspect despite his physical injuries and did so until help arrived. It also chronicled his incredible recovery after the incident.
Completely moved by the story, Cowell said openly,
“When I hear about animal cruelty, especially dogs, it upsets me. A dog will literally give up its life for you... Finn’s beautiful, I love him.”
Finn was given a Daily Mirror Animal Award for this outstanding and heroic act.
Cowell, an avid animal lover and supporter of animal charities, apparently felt the same way saying,
“If I had a golden buzzer left I would give it to you…”
To honor his beloved partner, PC Wardell has spearheaded a crusade that is pushing legislation for “greater legal protection for service animals” which he plans to call, “Finn’s Law”.
Cowell is known for his blunt comments and poker face, but close pals say he has a soft side, too. Since becoming a father to Eric at the age of 54, his friends say he’s become more relaxed and happier.
Last year the mogul generously gave £50,000 to a boy with a rare kind of cancer. He posted a video encouraging others to do the same.