Kobe Bryant Reveals Wife Is Eager to Try for Son Next 'so He Can Be Mama's Boy Forever' (Video)
Kobe Bryant and his beautiful wife, Vanessa, are the proud parents of three pretty girls and are also expecting another baby girl. Even with three kids and one more on the way, Vanessa is still eager to try again and hopefully, this time, she'll get what she wants!
Basketball legend, Kobe Bryant revealed in a video interview that despite having a baby girl on the way, he and his wife, Vanessa, are looking forward to having a baby boy.
The five-time-champion is also very supportive of his wife's decision, and he's willing to give it another shot. In an interview with "Extra," he admitted that he "loves having girls" and that Vanessa "wants a boy more than he does." "We'll see if I can deliver," he added later on.
If their plan pans out, they'll be blessed with five beautiful children, and to that effect, Kobe joked that they are going to have their basketball team.
The former model and Basketball superstar has been married for well over a decade. Their oldest daughter, Natalia Diamante is sixteen-years-old while Gianna Maria-Onore is twelve-years-of-age and little Bianka Bella is just two.
Although plans for a baby boy have been put in place, the whole family is bubbling with excitement as they await the newest member of the clan. The power-couple revealed to the public on January 1st that they are expecting another baby via Kobe's Instagram handle.
Kobe admitted that being the father of three girls and an athlete at the same time hasn't been easy. He revealed back in 2017 that his friends were fond of teasing him, but he couldn't be prouder of his "princesses."
He used the opportunity to appreciate his daughters for helping him with his sports fantasy series "The Wizenard Series: Training Camp," which Kobe claimed was inspired by Mary Poppins and Harry Potter.
"They were brutally honest. It went both ways — negative and positive. Bryant said about his girls during his interview.
The lovers of about seventeen years haven't always had it easy. About ten years into their union, Vanessa filed for divorce from Kobe on the grounds of infidelity. The couple went on to reconcile months later and are now stronger than ever. Some believe that the presence of kids strengthened the bond between the lovebirds.