Farmers' Almanac Releases Its Summer 2019 Predictions
The Farmers’ Almanac predicts this year’s summer weather to be a bit grim, especially for those who reside along the East Coast.
Summer in the Northern Hemisphere is fast approaching, beginning on June 21 also known as the date of the Summer Solstice. This means much excitement for those with planned vacations and school breaks, but the Farmers’ Almanac warns of ghastly weather.
The heat of the summer experienced every year will remain the same across the nation, but extensive heat will be felt in some central and southwestern states, especially Arizona (Zone 7), California, Nevada, and Utah.
The Pacific Northwest (Zone 6) should expect a summer much drier than the usual, despite starting the season with a few rain showers. However, the temperatures in this zone are likely to be “pleasant and fair” until August.
Along with the scorching heat will come thunderstorms towards the end of June in the central states (Zone 4 and 5). The weather outlook can be quite dangerous with a potential of large hail producing and tornado to forming.
The centuries-old book issued weather forecasts since the year 1818, which is annually published for onlookers in the U.S. and Canada.
Carolina, Georgia, and Florida (Zone 3) will experience high humidity together with the frequent thunderstorms, hence best prepare for the bipolar weather.
Weather forecasts predict heavy rain and thunderstorms in the Northeast and New England areas (Zone 1) around July to August. The increased showers will drive the temperature to 90 degrees, with some days going to the ‘80s.
The above-normal precipitation and above prediction will garner a humid and bitter weather condition. This time around, the air conditioner will be your best companion.
Predictions point to an early tropical disturbance in the latter part of May, across the southeast U.S. (Zone 3). June to July could have tropical storms posing a threat, and evolve to a hurricane in mid-September to October.
Last year’s summer was hot and steamy, and this year sees no better weather, but also welcomes massive thunderstorms, hence it would be best to prepare for the bipolar weather to come.
Thankfully, the Farmers’ Almanac gives us a preview of what to expect in the summer. The centuries-old book issued weather forecasts since the year 1818, which is annually published for onlookers in the U.S. and Canada.
The book also offers information about home remedies, cooking, gardening, and more. Last month, the Almanac guided astrologers to watch out for a “pink moon” that was going to lit up the night sky, giving a thorough guide on how to catch a glimpse of its beauty.