Kenya Moore's 6-Month-Old Daughter Gets Her Ears Pierced (Photo)
Kenya Moore reveals her daughter Brooklyn's priceless reaction after she had her ears pierced and received doctor's shots. The 48-year-old mom also shared who's vote won regarding the color of earrings Brooklyn should wear.
Another milestone of her child’s life has been captured by Kenya Moore. This time it’s getting her ears pierced.
The proud mom revealed how unbothered her daughter Brooklyn was when she had her ears pierced a few days ago. The six-month-old was beaming after what for some babies would be a traumatic experience.
Brooklyn even proved she was twice as strong because aside from having her ears pierced, she also received her shots that same day. There was no sign of stress in her photo her mother posted which featured her smiling.
“@thebrooklyndaly is having a tough time teething but she’s all smiles here after getting her shots and ears pierced yesterday,” Kenya wrote explaining what a breeze their visit to the doctor was.
She also revealed who really wore the pants in the family when it came to deciding what earrings Brooklyn should wear. Kenya said she and most people she asked voted for gold earrings but one person preferred silver. It was her husband and Brooklyn’s father, Marc Daly who went against the tide and swayed Kenya’s decision.
“What daddy wants daddy gets,” Kenya reasons.
Just a few hours earlier, Kenya took to her Instagram Story showing off a collection of gold and silver studs and asking her followers to vote on which color of earrings to make her daughter wear. 73% voted for gold.

Instagram / thekenyamoore
Though Kenya attracted votes on her story, some fans voted against getting Brooklyn’s pierced at such a young age. On the baby’s Instagram account where Kenya shared a clip of Brooklyn prepping for her shots and ear piercing, one follower wrote,
“Im a fan but could you not wait until she’s old enough to choose if she wants them coz it’s unnecessary pain for her just for looks. It’s painful even as an adult to lay your had onto it afterwards let alone a little baby who had no idea why she would feel any pain.”
The comment ushered in a debate on whether or not it was right to have Brooklyn’s ears pierced. Some argued she won’t even remember the pain.
Regardless, Kenya didn’t seem to heed the warnings and went ahead with her plans. Seeing Brooklyn’s reaction after, it’s safe to assume there was no reason to worry about her feeling any pain.
Brooklyn has been quite the attention grabber lately what with her 96.4k followers on her own Instagram account and her recent television debut. Yes, the youngster appeared for the first time on television when her mother visited the set of “The Real.”
Brooklyn impressed the hosts of the show with her adorable and calm demeanor, fashionable outfit and sparkly shoes. They also gushed about Kenya’s love for her daughter who she revealed has “become a symbol of hope” for many forty-something mothers like her who struggle to conceive.
The 48-year-old conceived Brooklyn via IVF and revealed she still has a few embryos stored for the future. During the Mother’s Day episode of “The Real,” she confessed the only gift she would ask from her husband is to commit to another child.
Kenya is clearly loving motherhood and looking forward to more children along the way. Brooklyn can expect to be an older sister soon if Kenya has her way.