Source: Maxpixel.net
Source: Maxpixel.net

Joke: Rich Old Man Calls for His Insurance Agent, Doctor and Preacher on His Death Bed

Odette Odendaal
May 28, 2019
02:27 P.M.

The insurance industry features in today’s joke of the day, as an insurance agent found out how much he differed from a preacher and a doctor after a lifelong client of his passed away.


Mr. Patrick Balvadore, a rich older man, laid dying in his mansion from a rare disease. On his deathbed, he called for his doctor, preacher, and insurance agent.

“I trusted each of you with my entire life. Now I want each of you to put $30,000 cash in an envelope and put it in my grave so that I can take it with me.”

Cash in an envelope. | Source: Shutterstock.

Cash in an envelope. | Source: Shutterstock.

Shortly after, Mr. Balvadore died, and at his funeral, each placed an envelope with him in his casket as requested before he got laid to rest.

After the funeral, the doctor, preacher and the insurance agent shared a limo ride home, but the doctor felt the need to make a confession.

“I must tell you, gentleman, I only put $20,000 in Mr. Balvadore’s casket. With the other $10,000, I purchased a machine that would enable me to diagnose rare diseases, like the one Mr. Balvadore had. It’s what he would have wanted.”

Men in a limousine talking. | Source: Shutterstock.

Men in a limousine talking. | Source: Shutterstock.

And so the preacher decided to make a confession of his own as he said,

"I only put $10,000 in Mr. Balvadore’s casket. We needed that money to help more homeless, and it´s what Mr. Balvadore would have wanted."

Angry at both men, the insurance agent said,

"I can´t believe the two of you, stealing from a dead man. I wrote Mr. Balvadore a check for the full $30,000!"

Source: Giphy.

Source: Giphy.


Jokes about the insurance industry have probably been around for as long as the industry has, as the next joke highlighted the difference between insurance brokers and lawyers.

A lawyer and an insurance broker fished together in the Caribbean. While waiting for the fish to bite, the lawyer said, “I’m here because my house burned down and the insurance company paid for everything.”

Two men fishing from the shore. | Source: Shutterstock.

Two men fishing from the shore. | Source: Shutterstock.

The insurance broker found their individual situations to be quite a coincidence and said, “I’m here because my house got destroyed by a flood, but luckily, my insurance company also paid for everything.”

Slightly confused, the lawyer asked,

“How do you start a flood?”

If two jokes didn’t fill the daily quota of laughter, the one about a woman who took her husband of 20 years to a strip club for his birthday, is sure to keep the laughter going.

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