A-Rod Said Kylie Jenner Talked about 'How Rich She Is' at Met Gala, She Hit Back with Tweet
Alex Rodriguez claimed all Kylie Jenner talked about at the Met was "how rich she is" but retracted shortly after the reality star called him out.
We hardly had any reason to attach Alex Rodriguez’s name to Kylie Jenner until now. Apparently, a remark the former made after spending time with the latter prompted an unfortunate misunderstanding between them.
Alex triggered the controversy that erupted between them after he gossiped about his encounter with Kylie when they found themselves in one table during the Met Gala.
Speaking to Sports Illustrated, the former baseball player opened up about what transpired in their table which also included his fiancé, Jennifer Lopez, Kylie’s sister, Kendall Jenner, Idris Elba, Donatella Versace, and a man he simply described as “an Asian gentleman from Rich Asians.” They were all seated together not because they were friends but merely because they were dressed in Versace.
According to the 43-year-old, all Kylie spoke of was her Instagram, lipstick, and “how rich she is.”
“Umm no i didn’t."
Upon learning about the sportscaster’s comment, the Forbes proclaimed youngest self-made billionaire immediately corrected him by tweeting,
“Umm no i didn’t. We only spoke about Game of Thrones.”
It didn’t take long for Alex to respond with a retraction by tweeting,
“OMG that’s right @KylieJenner!! It was me talking about you and your makeup line and how much my girls love you."
While it would seem like Alex was trying to put out a fire he started, curious minds wonder what prompted him to make the retraction. It’s possible he really made a mistake but it’s more likely he was trying to do damage control.
Whatever it is, it doesn’t change the fact that Kylie is a billionaire who has every right to speak about her money without being judged. However, it's hard to believe she would. She often shies away from bragging about her riches simply because she's also humble enough to admit her family's show helped lay the foundation for her business to thrive.
Meanwhile, Alex must be pinching himself for gossiping about Kylie and ending up eating his words.