California 9-Month-Old Blakely Jernigan Tastes Ice-Cream for the First Time and Her Reaction Goes Viral
Recently, 9-Month-Old Blakely Jernigan from California became an instant superstar because of her viral video on the Internet. Many people were delighted with her reaction when she tasted ice cream for the first time.
The video was first shared by her mother Brittani Jernigan on TikTok before making the rounds on other social media accounts.
In the heartwarming clip, little Blakely can be seen getting her first taste of ice cream. Her hysterical reaction, combined with her endeavor to get another lick quickly, has amazed the people on the Internet.
In an interview with TODAY, Blakely's mother Brittani said that she seldom records moments like this. The proud mom added:
"I heard him laughing at her faces, and he gave her a lick of the ice cream. And I was laughing and thought 'I should record this.'"
Brittani continued that she and her husband are used to their baby's exaggerated facial expressions. "She's very comical. She makes a lot of funny faces, and she's very bossy, so it's a typical reaction for her," she explained.
The proud mother said they didn't expect the video to go viral since she only wants to share the video with her loved ones.
As of this writing, the video has amassed more than 516,000 likes and 5,000 comments on TikTok, a video-sharing social networking service owned by ByteDance.
In another viral video, many people found the way little Detla mispronounced ice cream cute and hilarious.
It has also been viewed millions of times on other social media accounts, and many used GIFs to share their reaction, according to Hindustantimes.
One person commented that the baby understands her passion for ice cream. Another added that little Blakely got wide-eyed, embraced the ice cream, and wasn't ever letting go.
In another viral video, many people found the way little Detla mispronounced ice cream cute and hilarious.
Detla's father had planned on taking her to an ice cream store. He ended up laughing so hard because of how she pronounces "ice cream" as "camtono."
As of this writing, the viral video has been shared almost half a million times. It has also drawn over 721,000 likes and over 30 million views.
Meanwhile, according to Mayo Clinic, a child begins to imitate speech sounds by the end of 12 months. By this time, a child can start saying a few words, such as "dada," "mama," and "uh-oh."