Daily Joke: One Evening a Father Overheard His Son Saying His Prayers
A father overheard his son saying his prayers and found out he has been raising another man's child as his in the most comical of ways.
One faithful evening, Mr. Lee overheard his son, saying his prayers just before bed. It went like this:
"God bless Mommy, Daddy, and Grammy. Goodbye, Grampa."

Side View Of Boy Praying By Wall |Photo: Getty images
Mr. Lee heard the prayer and thought it was peculiar, but he walked past, deciding to think nothing of it. He was rudely reminded of the prayer the next day when he learned that his father passed away.
Finally, after midnight he decided the danger was past and went home. A month later, he once again heard his son praying:
"God bless Mommy. God bless Daddy. Goodbye, Grammy."

Boy Praying Over Blue Background|Photo: Getty Images
The next day his mother was pronounced dead by the doctor. At this point, Mr. Lee was getting visibly worried and disturbed. Another month passed when his son again knelt by his bedside, he clasped his hands and whispered:
"God Bless, Mommy. Goodbye, Daddy."
Hearing this, Mr. Lee almost collapsed from a heart attack. He made his way to his room and stayed up all night, afraid he might die in his sleep.

Boy praying before bed |Photo: Getty Images
When morning came, he was up and dressed for work; he did not breathe a word of his deductions to his wife. He remained at work all through his lunch break and also skipped dinner.
Finally, after midnight he decided the danger was past and went home. On getting home, he apologized to his wife.

Boy praying before bed |Photo: Getty Images
The following dialogue ensued:
Mr. Lee: I am sorry, Honey. I had an awful day at work today.
Wife: You think you’ve had a bad day? YOU THINK YOU’VE HAD A BAD DAY!? The mailman dropped dead on my doorstep this morning!"
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Source: Upjokes