Daily Joke: Children Are Told to Take Only One Apple at Lunchtime
A Nun was always in charge of coordinating the kids at a Catholic Elementary School's cafeteria. The kids who always anticipate lunch break rushed out of their classes immediately they heard the bell ring.
It was lunchtime at the Catholic Basic School. After the bell had rung, the kids rushed out of their classes joyfully, all heading for the cafeteria.
The Nun in charge of the meal distribution halted the hasty and noisy kids before asking them to quietly form a queue, get their pieces of fruits, and meal rations before quietly settling down at the cafeteria's dining for lunch.

Full frame shot Of Granny Smith Apples for sale In Market | Photo: Getty Images
Inside the school's restaurant, the Nun led the kids to a table. A mass of apples were heaped together on the table's surface. The sister had written and placed a note for the young people instructing them to "Take ONE apple because God was watching them."
While moving along the lines, the young fellas saw another table filled with heaps of oatmeal raisin cookies. Some cheeky kid had placed a note on the cookie table with the inscription, " Take all you want. God is watching the apples."

An image showing a child's hand holding an apple | Photo: Getty Images
In a neighboring school, lunchtime was over as the kids hurriedly left the school's canteen for their classes. After welcoming them back to the classroom, their teacher laid out the plans for the next course of study on the board.
The lady addressed the class and asked them to write out the things they had done at lunchtime with a conditional reward attached.

Two young girls eating lunch together in a classroom. | Photo : Getty Images
The teacher stated that if they areable to write something on the whiteboard relating to their lunchtime activities, they had earned themselves a cookie.
The kids loved the challenge as Johnny told the class what he did for lunch. The young man answered that he played in the sand. He was asked to write the word "sand" on the board, which he did correctly.

A young adorable girl playing at a playground. | Photo: Getty Images
Next was Jenny, and she told her teacher that she'd played on the slide during lunchtime and correctly spelled out the word "slide" on the board based on her teacher's instruction.
Achmed was to tell the class what he did during lunchtime, but the naughty little guy gave an account of how the boys didn't let him play in the sand because he is "different" and the girls stopped him from playing on the slide.

A 4 year old American boy having fun sliding down a slide on a playground at the park or schoolyard. | Photo: Getty Images
His teacher exclaimed, "That sounds like blatant racial discrimination. If you can spell the words blatant racial discrimination on the board, I'll give you a biscuit."
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