Daily Joke: A Teacher Asked Kids What They Want to Be When They Grow Up
A teacher was giving a lesson to her class when she asked them what they would like to be when they grew up. While one wanted to be a billionaire, another wanted to be a billionaire's wife.
A teacher was teaching a group of students when she got curious and asked them what they would like to be when they're older.

Photo of a woman teaching at school. | Photo: Pexels
She glazed around for a while, looking for who to answer her question and settled for a boy named Johnny.
Johnny, who appeared to be smarter than his age, swiftly rose to his feet to give a response to the teacher's question.

Photo of a little boy smiling | Photo: Pexels
While standing, Johnny confidently replied that he would love to be a billionaire who lives a luxurious life when he grows up. He also added that all that money, his girlfriend, or wife would have access to the fine things of life.
Johnny listed a very expensive Ferrari, a luxury apartment in Hawaii, a mansion in Paris, a jet to travel around the world, and an infinite credit card as some of the things his future partner would enjoy when he becomes a billionaire.

Photo of a boy listening to the teacher | Photo: Pexels
The little boy's response came as a shock to the teacher who had expected a better reply from her student.
Not knowing what to do about Johnny's strange response, the bewildered teacher decided not to pay attention to his response.

Photo of young children raising hands. | Photo: Freepik
She continued with the lesson and went on to ask another student, Susie, what she would like to be when she grows up.
Susie, who had been in class when Johnny gave his answer, was impressed by her classmate's aspirations, and this helped her decide what she wanted to be too.

Photo of students doing school work | Photo: Pexels
Young Susie then stood up to answer her teacher. She responded, saying, "I wanna be married to Johnny." For more interesting jokes, click here.
Source: startsat60.com