Daily Joke: A Salesman Was Testifying in Divorce Proceedings against His Wife
A salesman testified against his wife during their divorce proceedings, where he revealed that he found out about his wife's infidelity from their next-door neighbor.
Marriage should be a commitment between two parties, though it requires a lot of hard work, tolerance, and patience.

Couple looking at each other's face and smiling. | Photo: Freepik
However, some couples face commitment issues in their marriages, especially when their partners are mostly absent from home.
This is the story of a salesman who found out his wife was cheating on him because he wasn't always home to spend time with her. He then filed for a divorce and was required to testify against her as part of the court proceedings.

Man sitting on chair | Photo: Pexels
On the day he would testify, the man was called to the stand by his attorney as a testifier. He stood up, walked up to the position, swore an oath, and took his seat.
After taking his seat, the attorney started asking questions and eventually asked the salesman to describe to the court the first time he began having suspicions of his wife's affair.

A gavel sitting on a desk in a courtroom | Photo: Shutterstock
The man then started by explaining the type of job that he did. According to him, he was rarely home on weekdays because his career required him to be on the road.
The salesman stated that he didn't work on weekends, which meant that he was usually home with his wife. Speaking further, he explained that during his time at home, he always tried to give his wife plenty of attention. And it was during one of those weekends that his suspicions started.

Man sitting on a bench. | Photo: Pexels
One Sunday morning, the man and his wife were involved in an intense lovemaking session, which caused them to be a little loud.
With the bed creaking and the loud noises, an old lady from the apartment next door angrily banged on the door as she yelled:
"Can't you at least stop all that racket on the weekends?'"

Man standing near the building. | Photo: Pexels
If you enjoyed this joke, here is another joke about a man who is angry that his wristwatch doesn't work.
Source: startsat60