Daily Joke: A Man Buys Himself a Thermos
A man who did not know the function of a Thermos bought the flask and shocked his co-workers with what he put in it.
A man walked into a store one day. One of the first things that caught his eye was a Thermos flask. As he observed, a store attendant walked up to him and asked if they could help him with anything.
Thankful that someone, the man replied and told the attendant that he needed some help. He had no idea what the strange cup was. The attendant told him that it was a Thermos.

Photo of a woman holding a flask | Photo: Pixabay
Still unclear, the man asked what the Thermos was used for. The site attendant explained that the Thermos was used to keep its contents hot and cold. The man was impressed, so he bought one for himself.
The next day, the new Thermos owner dressed up for work, looking sharp and ready as he held his flask in his hand. Just as it caught his attention in the store, it caught the attention of his co-workers.

Photo of drink been poured into a flask | Photo: Pexels
They asked what he had in his hand, and he proudly told them that it was a Thermos and confidently explained that it was used to keep things hot and cold. A co-worker asked what he put in it that day and the man answered:
"Two popsicles and a cup of coffee."

A boss talking to an employee in the office. | Photo: Shutterstock.
Here's another joke about a man who jumped into conclusions. A young man was racing towards a train as it was about to pull out of the train station.
Luckily for him, he was able to throw his bag in and go on in time. All out of breath, he was panting heavily.

Photo of train station | Photo: Pexels
An older man beside him stared at him distastefully before chastising him for being so unfit. Back in his day, the older man said, he could catch the train by a gnat's whisker and still be sharp and unbothered. The younger man replied amid his panting:
"I missed the train at the last station."
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Source: Startsat60