
Teen Wants to Stay with Foster Moms Instead of Bio Mom

Joe Akins
Dec 03, 2020
07:00 A.M.

A 17-year-old female told her story on Reddit, saying she wants to stay with her foster moms instead of her biological mom.


A teenager took to the social media platform, Reddit, to state why she wants to stay with her foster moms instead of her biological mother. She asked if she is wrong to want to do so.

According to the teenager, who said she is a transgender person, her mother lost custody of her when she was 15 years old, and she was forced to stay with foster moms. This, however, changed her relationship with her birth mom.

Photo of a woman in deep thought | Photo: Pixabay

Photo of a woman in deep thought | Photo: Pixabay

At first, the teenager did not have any visitations from her mom, which made her sad. However, her mother got a new job before the lockdown last spring, which meant she could go back to being with her.

The teenager became excited with the development, but her joy was short-lived as her mom lost the job. They started talking more recently, and her mom told her she got a new job and had moved into her brother's house.

Young girl kisses elderly woman on cheek | Photo: Pixabay

Young girl kisses elderly woman on cheek | Photo: Pixabay

The teen's mother told her she could come and stay with her in her brother's house (the teen's uncle's house). The teen did not want to move into her uncle's house because he uses her "deadname" and insults her.

The girl raised her concerns to her mother, but the latter told her to look past it because her uncle would be giving them housing. When the teen remained doubtful of the move, her mom reminded her of the things she complained about while staying with her foster moms.

These included the fact she could not use technology after 10 pm, curfews, and had to sleep by midnight. Her mother further said she could go back to her old school and use her phone all night.


However, the teen said she does not mind not being with her phone after 10, adding that she usually played cards or puzzles with her foster moms when she did not feel sleepy at bedtime.

They also have a dog she sleeps with and allow her to go on walks every day, which helped to ease her depression and anxiety. Her foster moms also put her on private therapy, which she attends once a week, instead of the state-paid therapy, which is once a month.

Two women sit on a couch talking | Photo: Pexels

Two women sit on a couch talking | Photo: Pexels


Her foster moms also said they would be putting 50% of the money they get for having her in a bank account for her to use later. The teen further said she was bullied in her old school and addressed via her "deadname" there.

However, her foster mom's registered her under her new name in her new school, which offered her a fresh start. Her grades have also improved, and she has a counselor helping her research college.

The teen tried to tell her mom about all of these, but she burst out crying. Her mother said she is making sacrifices for her but that she is enjoying herself in her foster moms' lovely house, wearing new girl clothes.

The teen's mother further said she was allowing her foster moms to buy her love to replace her. This made the teen cry because she did not see her foster moms as her mom but as cool aunts.

A portrait of a worried and confused woman | Photo: Shutterstock

A portrait of a worried and confused woman | Photo: Shutterstock

The teenager asked Reddit users if she would be wrong in telling the judge she wants to stay with her foster moms, noting that she felt her reasons for wanting to do so were selfish. She also felt her mom made many sacrifices for her in the past.

She also worked hard to get a new job and a place for them to stay. There were hundreds of comments to the teenager's story, with some respondents saying she is not wrong to want to stay with her foster moms instead of her mom.

Some of the respondents said she is only doing what is best for her and that conditions in her foster mom's house were best for her growth and development. Here's a similar story about a lady who invites her dad's girlfriend instead of her real mom to spend the day with her

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