Woman Purposely Gives Christmas Presents to Everyone except Her Brother — Here's Why
A woman took to Reddit to share a story on how she got Christmas presents for everyone else except her brother, who never gets gifts for anyone in the family.
The festive season is a period of giving love and sharing gifts to those who are around. From friends and families to co-workers, the joy is always outstanding. However, not everyone feels this way.
A woman took to the popular opinion community platform Reddit to narrate her experience with her brother named Luke, who never gets gifts for anyone. She decided to teach him a valuable lesson.

A photo of a concerned woman with her hand on her face. | Photo: Pexels
She started by stating that she loves giving presents and tends to put a lot of effort and thought into picking out the right gift for each person, be it a family member, co-worker, or friend.
The woman further intimated that she loved watching the joy on people's faces whenever they opened their gifts, and this act of giving gifts was something she got from her parents.
However, she intimated that while her parents share the same sentiment with her, her brother, 22, did not share the same ideas. She explained that he always gave the excuse of being busy when it comes to picking out gifts for others.
The woman, who is 26, admitted that she did not care that she did not get any gifts from her brother. Still, after a lifetime of watching her parents and others give him thoughtful gifts without him reciprocating, she decided to teach him a valuable lesson.
The brother might have been genuinely busy.
This Christmas period, she got gifts for her parents, friends, co-workers, and extended family members and did not get one for her brother. She added that after she gave everyone their gifts, it was apparent her brother was left out.
After everyone had opened their gift, the mother pulled her aside and asked why she had not gotten the brother a gift. She explained that she was tired of her brother always sitting around and receiving gifts without getting them for others.
The poster's mother told her she should have talked to her brother instead of making such a rash decision as he was indeed busy, and now he was hurt.
Reddit users took to the comments section to share their thoughts, with most of them agreeing that the woman was not in the wrong and that it was high time someone taught her brother a lesson. Others agreed with the mother about speaking to the brother on his lackadaisical attitude.
While some agreed that the brother might have been genuinely busy, some opined that the parents had allowed him to grow up with such a warped mentality of always receiving without being coerced to give back to others.
Read this interesting story about siblings. A woman lets her brother live with her but refused her stepsister the same favor; she took to Reddit to ask for readers' opinions on the issue.