Smokey Robinson's Ex Claudette Reflects on Their Early Beginnings in Heartwarming Family Photo
Motown's first lady, Claudette Robinson, shared a photo of the early beginnings of Motown and The Miracles. The photo included Claudette's ex-husband Smokey Robinson.
Claudette Robinson, the ex-wife of The Miracles's singer Smokey Robinson, posted a heartwarming photo of the beginning stages of the group's success. Claudette and Smokey both feature in the post.
The only female singer of the famous group drew everyone back in time with this post to her Instagram feed. The photo shows Claudette and Smokey both lovingly looking at the baby in Smokey's arms.

Screenshot of Claudette Robinson's Insta story from January 22, 2021. | Source: Instagram/firstladyofmowtown
Deemed as the First Lady of Motown, Claudette can share special insight and perspective into the Motown record label and The Miracles group, which she formed part of since they started up.
This post to her social media evidently holds significant memories of how it all started for the artist and those who were on the journey with her. Together with the photo, Claudette shared the caption:
"Early days with @smokeyrobinson."
Claudette's efforts to preserve the Mowtown legacy stretch further than sharing photos of where it all started. “Claudette’s Miraculous Motown Adventure” is the children's book the singer wrote in order to share the story with the new generation.
Claudette was one of the guys, wearing the same suit jacket as them just with a skirt and doing all the steps along with the men.
The book is a way to ensure that the younger generation knows of the history behind Motown and The Miracles whilst engaging their imagination through the use of fantasy in the story.
Although the group achieved great heights together, their career was not without difficult moments. They started up in a time when the racial tension was an all-time high. Claudette commented on this saying:
"Racism was rapid, it was raging. When we went to the South, many times they had a rope down the middle of the venue and Whites would be on one side, and Blacks would be on the other."
Regardless of the conflict that they faced, The Miracles were rewarded for their hard work and talent when their hit single "Shop Around" was sold 1 million times and they received the golden record.
Hindsight is 20-20, and Claudette says that looking back, it was the presence of competition that made Motown work. The combination of talent together at Motown meant both competition and support, a recipe for always doing better.
The Miracles' competitive edge was the fact that they had a lady as part of their team. Claudette was one of the guys, wearing the same suit jacket like them, just with a skirt and doing all the steps along with the men.
Smokey Robinson joined his ex-wife in looking back at Motown's early days by sharing a precious photo of The Miracles, which was signed by all of the members.
Although Smokey is recognized as the frontman of the group, it is obvious that it was with the cooperation and talent of all the members of The Miracles that they were so successful, and Claudette's contribution is no exception.