Over 100-Car Pileup Crash Left at Least 5 Victims and Dozens Injured on Texas Interstate
A massive car-pileup involving more than 100 vehicles on an icy Texas interstate has left at least five people dead and dozens injured. The ice-related accident has been labeled a “catastrophe.”
Yesterday morning, the state of Texas experienced a devastating accident as a result of the cold weather. According to NBC News, a massive pileup involving more than100 cars on an icy interstate road has resulted in many fatalities.
At least five people are dead, and dozens more have been injured and taken to the local hospital for treatment. It happened that around 6 am on Thursday, first responders arrived at Interstate 35 during the freezing rain.
Per reports, it began when a tractor truck moving at high speed crashed into traffic. This led to other simultaneous crashes and even sent some vehicles into the air. Officials noted many of the victims were trapped in their cars.
Luckily, firefighters were able to use hydraulic rescue equipment to help them out. According to a Forth Worth Fire spokesman, the incident was “a major catastrophe” for the city in North Central Texas.
It was revealed that about three Forth Worth Police officers were involved in the accident on their way to work. However, they weren’t seriously injured. Other victims included health workers with a spokesperson, saying:
“We did see a large number of people that were victims of this accident, that were in scrubs, that had hospital IDs on.”
According to Police Chief Neil Noakes, the primary cause of the accident was the ice on the road. He noted that about 133 vehicles were involved, but that wasn’t the final number as they were still investigating.
A meteorologist noted that about a tenth of an inch of ice fell in some parts of Texas during the morning commute, causing ice accumulations on the roads, which resulted in slippery and dangerous driving conditions.
It was also confirmed by health care workers treating victims that no children were in the accident that stretched more than half a mile with vehicles crossing over the barriers walls between lanes.
A similar accident occurred in another part of Texas on Wednesday night. NBC5 reports that there was an overnight crash caused by inclement weather that took the lives of three people around 11 pm.
The accident occurred on Interstate 45 at Illinois Avenue with three persons pronounced dead at the scene. Two others were taken to the hospital in critical condition and are receiving treatment.