Exclusive: Carey Hart Says Wife Pink Is His Biggest Muse — Living Life at Full Throttle with Kids
Motocross legend Carey Hart has passed on his love of two-wheelers to his pop royalty wife, Pink, and their kids, Willow and Jameson. Hart shares his experience in this exclusive AmoMama interview.
Some riders are born with riding in their DNAs, others achieve greatness, and then there are a few like Carey Hart, who is blessed with the best of all worlds.
Born on July 17, 1975, in Seal Beach, California, the motocross legend has been riding for over four decades now, but the thrill of getting on a two-wheeler has only magnified.
Hart was four years old when he started riding motorcycles, so it's no surprise his kids, Willow, 9, and Jameson, 4, are little daredevils who round dirt tracks like pros.

Carey Hart, Pink, and their son, Jameson, attend the Monster Energy Supercross VIP Event at Angel Stadium on January 18, 2020 in Anaheim, California. | Source: Getty Images
Hart passed on his love of motorcycles to his singing sensation wife, Pink né Alecia Beth Moore. Riding to Harts is like playing soccer and baseball to others. It's a way of life.
After retiring from competitive riding, Hart dedicated his time to his multiple business ventures and to be the coolest dad and husband ever. He also builds V Twins for Indian Motorcycles.
In this exclusive interview with AmoMama, the motocross multihyphenate talked about riding with his family, craft, and endless support for the female riders.

Carey Hart and Pink with theirs kids, Jameson and Willow, during the 2019 E! People's Choice Awards at the Barker Hangar on November 10, 2019. | Source: Getty Images
You've lived and breathed motorcycles your whole life. How did your love for two-wheelers evolve? What sparked it in the first place?
In my family — going back to my grandfather, my father, my uncles — our common thought was motorcycles. My dad and my grandfather were taking me to supercross races at 2-3 years old. I got my first motorcycle at four. I started racing at five. And I've been on two wheels ever since.
What was your first motorcycle?
My first motorcycle was a 1979 RM 50. I still own it to this day. It just started as a hobby. By the time I was probably 10-11 years old, I was pursuing it as a career.
I'm sure you made plenty of great memories involving that bike.
My best childhood memories growing up, 90% of them took place on the motocross track, whether it was with friends of mine growing up or the trials and tribulations of being on the road with my dad.
Some of my best memories away from my wife and my children are based around my Supercross career or Motocross career.
You've been customizing rides for years now. What's your creative process like?
I kind of bring my background of motocross into my builds, meaning I'm not building my Indian Challenger to go hit jumps, but I'm very into performance. Performance is number one for me, and look is number two.
So when my bikes go into the build, it's usually about how I can improve it, how I can make it faster or stop faster or turn better.
And as far as the looks go, a lot of times, I look back to either old moto GP motorcycles or old motocross bikes as far as the design and the aesthetic goes.
Indian has been supporting female riders for years. Do you think women choose differently when it comes to getting a ride? What are the attributes they look for?
Women, probably more so than men, choose their motorcycle based on comfort, which is what you actually should do. I think a lot of men kind of get in over their heads on motorcycles sometimes.
I think it's great that women, probably more today than ever, are getting involved with motorcycling. I'm a huge advocate for it.
I've taught my wife as well as numerous of her friends how to ride motorcycles, and I think the number one most important factor in choosing your motorcycle, whether you're a man or a woman, is getting something that you're comfortable with, that's well-built for your riding level, and that's something that you can grow into.
So those are the attributes you keep in mind while customizing?
Yeah, I mean, it is important. I've built motorcycles for my wife in the past, and what I would build for myself, even if it's, say, on the exact same platform, they aren't alike.
I've built myself an Indian Scout that I think I'll race flat track on, and that's not the bike I would build for my wife. I customize the bikes specifically to her size, her riding level, and her needs as far as what she needs on the road. A motorcycle needs to be custom-tailored to the rider.
Pink has made it known that you are one of her biggest muses. Is she yours?
Yeah, definitely. Every time I do a build, I am locked in my shop, focused on one project. So if you stare at something long enough, you'll either think it's the best thing, or you'll think it's the worst thing you've ever done.
So she kind of is my resource. She's been around motorcycling long enough. She knows what I'm interested in, and she has a great eye herself. So anytime I'm working through a project, I'll recruit her two or three times. She is honest with me, which is all I need.
What about your daughter Willow? Does she give you ideas?
Well, not so much. She just likes to ride them!
How did Willow react to riding a motorcycle for the first time?
It's kind of hard to say because, again, motorcycles to my family is like soccer and baseball to others. It's how I was raised. It's how I raised both of my children. I got my wife into it.
It was just a natural progression. She started on her bicycle when she was two years old, just like my son, and the minute she was tall enough and strong enough to hold up a motorcycle, she went from a bicycle to a motorcycle, and it's our pass time.
We ride probably three to four days a week on the motocross track. It's our family sport.
What did Pink have to say about your kids riding bikes at such a young age? Did she approve of it?
She knows who she married. There are certain battles that she'll fight, and motorcycles are not one of them. There was no surprise that both our kids were riding at 3 years old.
And how do you ensure your children's safety when they ride?
First and foremost, wearing all their protective gear. I'm a big advocate for learning slowly with anything, especially when it comes to motorcycles, whether street or dirt, riding inside of your capability, and lots of practice.
I think the number one situation where people end up getting banged out is when they ride outside of their comfort level or outside of their skillset.
I've been riding motorcycles for 41 years now, and I'm still learning, and I still hit the ground. You're not going to get to my level overnight, so just take it easy, take it slow and keep it fun.
There are still a lot of places where it is difficult to spot female bikers. Women are often conditioned to think motorcycles are men's toys, and there's this stigma attached to them riding bikes. How do you think that can be overcome?
First of all, I think it's an old mentality. It's changing. People nowadays have access to information [on the internet]. Women being pro motorcycle riders, riding and posting photos and show women can do it just as good as men can.
With the motorcycles Indian's making, there are smaller motorcycles for the smaller rider or the entry-level rider. You can have a Scout, and as you progress through the Scout and you get comfortable with it, you kind of outgrow the Scout.
You can jump to the Chief and so and so forth. I think it's just awareness. I think it's women seeing women all over the world on their motorcycles, on adventures. They don't need a guy. They can go solo or hook up some of their other girlfriends to go for a ride.
She doesn't always have to be with me. It's like hook up with your friends and go on an adventure. Get out of here. I'll stay with the kids. I think it's just more encouragement like that, and it's just women being proud of the fact that they ride motorcycles.
A lot of times, when you share photos of your customized Indian Motorcycles on social media, trolls come for you and mock your work. Indian is often compared to Harley Davidson. How do you handle such comments?
I think it's pretty simple. There are numerous times I kind of have to go down this path. As a competitive rider, you're constantly on the hunt for the best technology, the best chassis.
I have ridden for every manufacturer that is out there right now other than Yamaha. I have ridden Kawasaki, Suzuki, Honda, Husky, and so forth. I can appreciate brand loyalty. I really really can.
Most of the "trolls," as you call them, speak from brand loyalty, marketing, power handling... I like that. When you're comparing apples to apples, motorcycles, you have to strip away your brand loyalty and look at the facts.
Put your butt in that seat, go do the Challenger challenge and ride the bikes back to back. Again, I'm not mad at people with brand loyalty and respect for it.
I'm truly loyal to Indian because I believe they make the best motorcycles, but at a certain point, you throw your hands up, and it's like either you know, or you don't.
What are some other things you enjoy besides riding?
I'm a pretty simple person. The things I enjoyed as a teenager I still enjoy to this day, and I pass on my kids. If I'm not on my dirtbike or on my street bike, we're camping, we're at the lake surfing, in the mountains, skiing, riding mountain bikes.
Me and my family, myself specifically, I'm extremely active. As long as I'm getting my heart rate up, I'm having a good time. My kids are as crazy as I am, so it makes it a really fun time. So yeah, we're either on the water or on two wheels, pretty much.