Daily Joke: Man Walks into a Bar with a Rat in His Pocket
A man walked into a bar with a rat in his pocket — it was no ordinary rat, and it won the man a substantial sum of money.
A man waltzed into a bar and offered to show the bartender a trick in exchange for a free drink. The barman thought it over for some seconds before agreeing.
After his agreement, the man pulled out a rat from one pocket and a tiny piano from the other. Out of its warm confinement, the rat stretched, cracked its knuckles, and went on to play some blues.

A man looking behind him in a bar. | Photo: Shutterstock
The rat was so good; the barman could not help but be impressed, so he poured the man a drink on the house. After the man downed the glass, he asked the bartender if he could get more drinks in exchange for an even better trick.
The bartender decided that no trick could beat the first, so he agreed to the man's terms. For his following trick, the man reached into his pocket again and produced a bullfrog who immediately began singing along with the rat.

Photo of a brown mice | Photo: Pexels
Again the barman fulfilled his promise, but while the man was enjoying his drinks, a businessman offered to acquire the bullfrog for $100k. The man declined, saying it was not for sale.
The businessman added $150k to the initial offering, but the frog owner would not have it. This pushed the businessman to up his offer to $500k, at which point the man agrees.

A frustrated bartender serving at the bar. | Photo: Pexels.
The barman could not believe it. He thought the bullfrog was worth millions, but the man only gave it away for such a small sum. The man did not share his worry; he assured him all was fine and said:
"Don't worry about it. The bullfrog was nothing really special. You see… the rat is a ventriloquist!"

A depressed man drinking at the bar. | Photo Pexels.
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Source: Reddit.com