Daily Joke: Man Waited While His Wife Was Giving Birth
A man was waiting outside the room while his wife was giving birth and noticed an interesting coincidence with the other men waiting.
He was getting some fresh air outside the delivery room while his wife was giving birth. He took a moment and sat with the other expectant fathers in the waiting room.
A nurse came out of one of the adjoining rooms and said to the man next to him, "Congratulations, Mr. Smith, you are now the father of a healthy pair of twin baby girls. "

A small baby dressed in white is crying. | Photo: Shutterstock
The excited new father responded, "Wow, that is so crazy. I work at the Double Mint Mouth Wash factory." He then followed the nurse inside the delivery room.
A few minutes later, another nurse came out of a separate hospital room. He heard her say to another man in the room, "Congratulations, Mr. Grant, your wife just delivered a set of beautiful and health triplets."
The second man responded, "What a coincidence, I run a company called 3D printing solutions." He noticed another man was looking very nervous and he got up to leave the waiting room.
So he asked him, "Hey man, everything okay?" and he responded, "Yes, I just need some fresh air because I work at the 7-UP bottling company."
Here is another joke: a man returns from picking up his 6-year-old child from school. He made his son some lunch, left him in front of the TV, and worked on his car in the garage.
His wife came home, greeted the boy, and went straight to the garage. She said to her husband, "Uh, the boy in the living room is not your son." The man was so heartbroken by her words.
He responded, "What do you mean that is not my son? I collected him from school. I was there when you delivered him. I am pretty sure I was there when we made him. How can he not be mine?"
His wife rolled her eyes, gathered her car keys, and said, "No, he is not mine either. You really need to pay more attention when you do the school pick-up."
Source: unijokes.