
Man Destroys Clumsy Waiter, Learns a Lesson from Him Years Later – Story of the Day

Manuela Cardiga
Jun 06, 2021
05:41 P.M.

A businessman gets a waiter fired for serving him the wrong coffee, but he could never imagine what Karma had in store for him.


Steven Garland was on top of the world. He was about to seal a deal that would put his growing company on its way to becoming one of the leaders of it's field. There was only one more informal meeting to get through.

He chose to meet Helen Davis, the CEO of the company he was negotiating an agreement with at his favorite bistro. Steven arrived early and asked for their best table. This deal was in the bag he thought, never realizing he was about to lose it all...

The coffee shop | Source: AmoMama.com

The coffee shop | Source: AmoMama.com

Steven sat down and called the waiter over, a tall young man with a ready smile. "Listen," he said, tucking a $20 bill into the waiter's pocket, "I am having an important meeting here, so I want your best service, do you hear?"


The young man nodded and smiled. "We won't disappoint you, Sir!"

At that moment Helen Davis walked in, and Steven waved the waiter away. "Miss Davis," he smiled, "So good to see you! Sit down, please!"

Helen Danis smiled. "Please, call me Helen!"

The young waiter | Source: Facebook/ AmoMama

The young waiter | Source: Facebook/ AmoMama

"Helen..." Steven said, "What would you like to drink?" He waved at the young waiter who hurried over.

When the young man arrived, Steven addressed him crisply: "Bring me a large latte, with skim milk, and for the lady..."

Helen smiled up at the waiter. "Good morning? You are?"


The waiter smiled back shyly. "I'm Andrew, Ma'am."

Steven's cruelty was so shocking that Helen made a drastic decision.

The difficult customer | Source: Facebook/ AmoMama

The difficult customer | Source: Facebook/ AmoMama

"Andrew, please would you bring me a pot of green tea?"

Minutes later the waited was back, carrying Steven's latte and Helen's tea. He placed the drinks on the table, and Steven immediately reached for his coffee. He took a sip and spluttered. "What is this?" he screamed, "I told you skim milk!"

The waiter, Andrew was flustered and apologetic. "Sir, I'm so sorry! I must have mixed up your order! Please let me get you another latte!"

"Are you stupid?" Steven ranted, "Can't you remember a simple instruction? I'll have you fired!"

The important meeting | Source: Facebook/ AmoMama

The important meeting | Source: Facebook/ AmoMama

"Steven," Helen said, "It was only a latte. Let the boy get you another cup of coffee and we can work out the last details of our deal..."

"No, Helen," Steven ranted, "This creature must be taught a lesson! He must learn to serve his betters..."

Helen frowned. "Betters? We're no better than anyone, Steven, We're all human beings, we all make mistakes."

"He is inferior, Helen or e wouldn't be in such a menial job!"

The wrong coffee | Source: Facebook/ AmoMama

The wrong coffee | Source: Facebook/ AmoMama


Helen pressed her lips together. "I see. Well, Steven, the meeting is over."

"But..." Steven gasped, "We haven't discussed..."

Helen shook her head. "The deal is off, Steven. I can't work with someone like you."

Steven sat in shock as Helen walked out, taking his hopes with him. "Get me the manager," he screamed at Andrew, "Right now!"

The deal is off | Source: Facebook/ AmoMama

The deal is off | Source: Facebook/ AmoMama

Andrew watched nervously as Steven talked to his manager gesticulating wildly. Then Steven left, and his manager walked over, looking upset.

"Andrew, I'm sorry, I have to let you go."


"But, Miss Lina, it was only a latte..." Andrew gasped desperately.

"He's threatened to spread bad reviews on social media...I'm sorry Andrew."

Talking to the manager | Source: Facebook/ AmoMama

Talking to the manager | Source: Facebook/ AmoMama

"But you know I'm working my way through college...I'll have to drop out. Please..." Andrew begged.

But there was no way around it. Andrew's life was turned upside down, over an order mix-up. But Steven's rant cost him dearly. Without Helen's contract, his company started to struggle and within five years he was forced to close down.

He was back job hunting, living on his savings. Steven applied to position after position, but he never got the job. One day he saw an ad in the Financial Times. A prestigious software developer was looking for a Finacial Director.


Steven applied, and was called in for an interview. He sat nervously in the waiting room, thinking about the interview, questions he wanted to ask, and planning answers when a young man in a beautifully cut suit walked in.

Getting fired | Source: Facebook/ AmoMama

Getting fired | Source: Facebook/ AmoMama

"Good morning," the man smiled.

Steven smiled back nervously. "Good morning. Are you also her for the interview?"

"Oh, no!" the man smiled. "I work here!"

Steven was staring at the man's face. "I'm sorry, but you are so familiar... I think we've met before."

Recognizing his interviewer | Source: Facebook/ AmoMama

Recognizing his interviewer | Source: Facebook/ AmoMama


"Yes," the young man said, "I was a waiter on Lina's Bistro off 42 Street."

Steven was stunned. "I remember... It wasn't a good day..."

The man shook his head. "For either of us."

"I'm sorry," Steven said quietly, "I was out of line. But believe me, you've come out better than I. I lost everything, and I'd be happy for a job as a janitor if I could get it. I have an interview with a Mr. Jameson, do you know him?"

I lost everything | Source: Facebook/ AmoMama

I lost everything | Source: Facebook/ AmoMama

Andrew smiled. "That's me!"

Steven flushed. "Well, that's that then...Thank you for your time..."


"You don't want the job anymore?" asked Andrew.

"Of course I do," said Steven, "But I don't think you want me."

"I liked your resumé, and I think you are the man for the job, but there is one thing..."

We are all human beings | Source: Facebook/ AmoMama

We are all human beings | Source: Facebook/ AmoMama

"Anything," gasped Steven gratefully.

"Please treat everyone in this company the way you like to be treated, from the CEO to the janitor, we are all human beings."

Thanks to Andrew, Steven got the job, and he turned out to be the right man for the position. He never forgot his kindness and made sure he treated everyone with courtesy and consideration.


What can we learn from this story?

1. Treat everyone with courtesy and consideration. No matter what their status, everyone deserves to be respected.


Cruelty is an ugly attribute.

Steven's cruelty was so shocking that Helen made a drastic decision and decided not to do business with him.

3. Compassion heals the heart, while revenge scars it. Faced with the man who'd destroyed his life, Andrew chose to be compassionate when he could have avenged himself for Steven's cruelty.

Share this story with your friends. It might inspire people to share their own stories or to help someone else.

Any resemblance in this story to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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