14-Year-Old Girl Ended up Trapped in a Bank Vault That Was Turned into a Dressing Room Because of Brother
A teenage girl's younger brother accidentally locked her in a bank vault that was used as a changing room at a Long Island store.
Giavanna Diesso, 14, was in a changing room at a clothing store in Port Jefferson that was previously a bank vault when her seven-year-old brother, Vincent, closed the door, and it locked.
Her mother, Danielle Diesso, was busy paying when she heard the heavy door close. She told Newsday that she heard the door slam and click and was too shocked to feel scared.

A photo of a bank vault door. | Photo: Pixabay/Reimund Bertrams
The teenager was stuck in the vault for almost two hours until firefighters used air chisels and hammer drills to cut through the foot-thick wall, and she was able to climb out. She spoke to friends to keep herself busy while she was trapped.
Giavanna told CBS Local New York that she was nervous about the situation but could not tell what was happening outside the vault. All she could do was sit and wait for the firefighters' drills to go through the wall.
Giavanna Diesso being lifted out of the changing room by firefighter. | Photo: Facebook/Port Jefferson Fire Department
of the firefighters pulling Giavanna from the vault was shared on Facebook by the Port Jefferson Fire Department. The seven-second video has gained over 14 thousand shares.
The vault room, which was eventually opened by a locksmith, used to be a First National Bank of Port Jefferson bank vault. Her younger brother told a news outlet he had not thought the door would actually close.
She could not avoid being the butt of everyone's jokes on social media.
Fortunately, Giavanna was not harmed during the ordeal. Her mother shared that she was amazed that her daughter did not show an ounce of fear during the whole incident.
Another teenage girl found herself in a similar situation after attempting to gain access to her one-story home through the chimney. However, she did not make it inside.
An 18-year-old girl locked herself out of her home on Horizon Drive and College Drive by the College of Southern Nevada, and instead of calling a locksmith or a family member, she decided to try to get in through the chimney.
However, her clever plan did not work as she got stuck above the chimney flue. A neighbor heard her and called 911. The Henderson Fire Department arrived and was able to remove her from the chimney safely.
Although the girl avoided being harmed in any serious way, she could not avoid being the butt of everyone's jokes on social media as the fire department shared the story on their Facebook.
One user would have rather taken the punishment for being locked out than the embarrassment of getting stuck in a chimney. In contrast, others likened the poor teenager to Santa Claus.