Man Takes Food and Water to a Colony of Cats on Hot Day in Canada
An Ontario local received information that a group of cats lived in an abandoned house and decided to lend a helping hand to the felines by giving them food and water.
With the temperatures in Ontario, Canada rising to 35 degrees, the animals who are living out on the streets are left to fend for themselves in the blistering heat, but one local decided to step in and help a colony of cats.
A video posted on Reddit was filmed by the Canadian as he took the cat food and water from his car and placed it outside an abandoned building where eight cats and kittens found shelter.

Screenshot of cats eating food. | Source: reddit.com/talking_walls_photo
The footage shows one kitten hiding behind a bush when the man initially put the food and water down, obviously very cautious of any human contact.
The billboards call for families to stop by and take a kitten home with them that would otherwise need to be put down.
The man then moves away from the bowls he placed down, and after a while, the cats couldn't resist the food any longer and moved closer to eat and drink what was put down for them.
As the kind stranger points out while narrating the video, the one cat shown on the footage is particularly malnourished and in need of a good meal.
The man expressed his worry over the homeless animals not having any food and water, especially on days when it was scorching, and they need someone to look out for them. He said:
"This little guy here, the black one, he is a little malnourished so I don't know how much food they're getting."

Screenshot showing the cats eating. | Source: Reddit/@Talking_Walls_Photo
While petting the black cat, the Canadian also shared that the cats aren't very used to human contact, although the black one would let you come a bit closer.
The man's comments about the stray felines indicate that this was not the first time he had made an effort to take them food and water and that he had done it a few times prior. The comment section was filled with praise as one user wrote:
"Dude this is amazing thank you for this! If you’re in Toronto I’d love to buy you a beer for doing this."
The kind Canadian isn't the only one making an effort to better the lives of stray cats that need the love and care of a forever home. The locals of Chesapeake, VA, decided to use their billboards for more than just ordinary advertising.
The billboards usually displaying the next rest stop or directions to a tourist destination are now used to showcase the helpless kittens that need to be fostered and adopted.
The alarming rates of kittens and cats that are euthanized because the shelters cannot find homes for them were enough for the Chesapeake Animal Services to develop a creative idea to get the word out there and get the cats adopted.
The billboards call for families to stop by and take a kitten home with them that would otherwise need to be put down. The advertising was very effective, with the number of kittens finding homes showing a sharp increase.