
Woman Searching for Birth Parents Discovers She Was Actually Bought As a Baby

Brittany Chalmers
Jul 13, 2021
04:00 P.M.

A woman who had been searching for her birth parents for decades was shocked when she found out the truth. She made the chilling discovery that she was actually bought as a baby.


Jane Blasio recalled a pivotal moment in her life: she was six years old, and her parents had just told her that she was adopted. Instantly, her world looked different, but decades later, she made a discovery that would change her life forever.

The news that she had another set of parents out in the world always piqued Blasio's curiosity. She spent many years toiling over books and documents to piece together her life story. She never expected to find a baby-stealing complot.

Woman tells her life story and how she found out who her birth parents were | Photo: Instagram/janeblasiobonafide

Woman tells her life story and how she found out who her birth parents were | Photo: Instagram/janeblasiobonafide


Blasio, a federal law enforcement officer in Akron, Ohio, unearthed the illicit dealing of Thomas Hicks. He was a doctor who ran an abortion clinic in Georgia during the 1950s and 1960s. Behind this guise, Hicks also sold babies.


It took her many years, but Blasio finally made sense of the mystery that surrounded her adoption. She discovered that she was one of 200 babies that were sold behind the Hicks clinic.



Blasio did not allow the shock of her discovery to prevent her from making a difference. She took action and helped many of these "Hicks babies" reconnect with their birth relatives.

She candidly told People magazine some of the details surrounding her story:

"... my mother just wanted a baby and didn't want to know anything, so my dad was going to do whatever would make her happy."



Blasio first noticed something suspicious on her birth certificate when she was a teen. She consequently researched Hicks and his clinic for many years, and when her adoptive mother passed away from cancer, Blasio's father shared more information.

His wife had made him promise to tell her the truth after her passing. This gave Blasio the motivation she needed to dig deeper. She unpacked many shocking pieces of information and decided to compile the story in a book called "Taken at Birth."



Blasio's quest for the story shone a light on Hick's dubious dealings and revealed the ugly truth. He coerced expectant mothers into his scheme and used their babies to make his business flourish.

Hicks often took things into his own hands when he lied to the women who decided to keep their babies. He told them they were stillborn and then sold those children for a profit. These scandalous dealings were unbelievable and left Blasio stunned.



Blasio shared her personal views on what Hicks and his clients did to many families in the Akron area. She said: "My parents bought a child in a way that gave me no option but to search and possibly find no answers. That's not love, that's desperation."

After decades of searching, Blasio uncovered more than she bargained for. Despite the heartbreak attached to her history and story, she persevered, and in the process, she reunited many stolen Hicks Babies with their families.

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