
Rude Girl Shames Guy for Being Poor, Regrets It Later - Story of the Day

Sonali Pandey
Jul 14, 2021
04:30 A.M.

A rude girl insulted a man at a bar for being poor. Not long after, she regretted her disrespectful behavior when karma made her learn a lesson the hard way.


Twenty-six-year-old Catherine Roberts was wealthy, successful, and incredibly gorgeous. Her parents were affluent business professionals, and Catherine herself owned a famous clothing line. Naturally, she didn’t have to worry about anything.

However, the only thing that was missing from Catherine’s unbelievably perfect life was a nice man. A man who'd not only treat her well but who also had riches and good looks. After all, she was the only daughter of her wealthy parents, and she deserved the best—at least that’s what she believed.

That's why, to fulfill her quest for her prince charming, she only hung out at the right kind of places: the most expensive restaurants and the most exotic bars. During one of these lavish visits, Catherine finally met a man who had good looks, but she turned him down and insulted him just because he wasn’t dressed to “her standards.” Little did she know she’d regret her actions soon…

An exotic bar | Photo: Shutterstock

An exotic bar | Photo: Shutterstock


It was a Friday evening. Catherine’s fashion show had been a huge success, and she’d decided to celebrate with her crew at the town’s most opulent pub.

As Catherine and her colleagues took a seat at one of the VIP tables, she signaled the waiter to take the order. “Good evening, ma’am. How may I help you?” a waiter dressed in properly ironed attire asked her.

“Bring me the best wine here, and tell the chef to pay close attention to whatever’s served at this table. Actually, just let him know my name: Catherine Roberts. He’ll know who I am,” Catherine said proudly. The waiter nodded and left.

Meanwhile, Catherine gazed at the men sitting at the other tables, hoping to discover someone who met her criteria. Her gaze was drawn to a handful of them, but she ultimately decided that none of them were a perfect ten on ten. Then, all of a sudden, her eyes fell on a man sitting alone at a table.

Man in black long sleeve shirt sitting on black chair | Photo: Pexels

Man in black long sleeve shirt sitting on black chair | Photo: Pexels


“He does have a charming face,” she mumbled. “But his clothes ... Nah, he’s not my type.”

While Catherine was immersed in her thoughts, the man suddenly turned to her and she averted her gaze. However, she looked at him again. “Maybe I can try dating him. If we start dating, I can influence him to start dressing properly,” she thought to herself.

The man caught her looking again. This time Catherine got nervous and immediately got up from the table. But just as she was about to leave for the restroom, she collided with the waiter, and the wine he was carrying fell on her dress.

Within no time, Catherine lost her cool. “What the hell! Are you blind?” she yelled at the waiter.

Woman looking sideways | Photo: Pexels

Woman looking sideways | Photo: Pexels


“Sorry, ma’am. You turned suddenly and your hand hit the tray. It wasn’t my fault,” the waiter gently replied.

“Did you just say it was my fault?” she asked the waiter angrily.

“No, ma’am. It’s just that...” The waiter could hardly clarify when she interrupted him. “Just look at your audacity! You’re still standing here shamelessly! Go and get the table cleaned, fast! ”

At this point, the man Catherine had been staring at all this time interrupted. “I’m sorry, Miss. But can you please calm down? It really wasn’t his fault," he told her calmly.

Woman looking at a man carefully | Photo: Pexels

Woman looking at a man carefully | Photo: Pexels

Yes, Catherine had liked him for a moment. She even considered dating him. But a guy she would spend the rest of her life with had no right to tell her what she should be doing. Nobody ordered Catherine Roberts. NOBODY! So, she immediately retorted, “And who are you to interrupt us, you weirdly dressed loser?”


“It doesn’t matter who I am, ma’am. I really don’t mind what you say about me. However, there’s a line that you shouldn’t cross,” he warned her.

Catherine sighed and rolled her eyes. “Yes, there is definitely a line, and you are the one who shouldn’t cross it. Wait, do you even know who I am? I’m afraid not. That’s why you’re spewing garbage from your nasty mouth!”

“We can see who’s filthy by the way you’re acting, ma’am. Please calm down or leave this place right now,” he told her firmly.

Man in black suit standing in front of a woman | Photo: Pexels

Man in black suit standing in front of a woman | Photo: Pexels

Catherine was shocked. “What did I just hear? Did you just call me filthy and order me to get out of this place?”

“I didn’t call you anything, ma’am. It’s what you think about yourself. If you’re saying you’re filthy and you should leave, you probably should,” the man told her confidently.


Catherine didn’t say anything. She went straight to her table, poured herself a glass of water, and hurled it straight into the man’s face. “You know, I’ve changed my mind. I think the real filth is here, and I cleaned it just now with water,” she replied.

The man was furious at Catherine, but he didn’t lash out at her. He calmly said, “You are worse than I thought. In fact, you’re not even human. I’ll make sure folks like you are banned from this place.”

Man in black blazer sitting by table | Photo: Pexels

Man in black blazer sitting by table | Photo: Pexels

Catherine laughed. “Oh really? Give it a shot. You have no idea how powerful I am. If you try to touch me, you’ll be dead!”

“You...” the man could hardly say anything when Catherine intervened.


“Save those words for tomorrow. I have foreign clients coming with me. I wanted to take them to a different place, but now I’ll bring them here. Let’s see what you can do,” she told him and walked out of the pub.

Catherine fulfilled her promise. The next day, she came to the same place. She noticed the man as soon as she walked into the pub. He was seated at the same table as the day before.

Catherine intentionally took the table beside him so that she could insult him again. She wasn’t delighted with the whole scene she had created yesterday. However, just as she was about to take a seat, one of her clients named Mr. Carter suddenly went to the man and hugged him.

Woman in grey tank top looking sideways | Photo: Pexels

Woman in grey tank top looking sideways | Photo: Pexels

Catherine felt weird. She immediately went to Mr. Carter and said, “I’m sorry, Mr. Carter, but you don’t know this man. He doesn’t even know how to treat people with respect. And take a look at how he’s dressed. He’s way below our standards.”


Mr. Carter gave her a stern glance and said, “Please mind your language, Catherine. Do you even know who this man is?”

“Mr. Carter, I met him yesterday,” Catherine replied. “First and foremost, he lacks decency. Second, he was staring at me weirdly.”

At this point, Mr. Carter lost his cool. “Catherine, stop your nonsense right now! This man is my son,” he yelled at the top of his voice. Catherine was taken aback. She just stood there motionless, not saying anything.

Man wearing a white shirt and black blazer | Photo: Pexels

Man wearing a white shirt and black blazer | Photo: Pexels

Mr. Carter continued, “I know what happened yesterday. The waiter you insulted told me everything. I ordered my son, James, to throw you out of this place immediately, but he said he didn’t want to disrespect his customers, especially when it’s a woman.”


“I’m sorry, Mr. Carter,” Catherine said, embarrassed.

“I don’t need your apologies, Miss Roberts. I’m canceling all of my investments in your company and filing a lawsuit against it as well. Also, don’t you dare show your face here again!”

Catherine took her bag and walked out of the restaurant, embarrassed.

What can we learn from this story?

  • Don’t judge a book by its cover. Catherine disrespected James and insulted him just because he wasn’t dressed to her standards.
  • Treat everyone with respect. Despite Catherine’s rude behavior, James didn’t lash out at her and instead dealt with her patiently.

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If you enjoyed this story, you might like this one about an arrogant teen who insults a chubby girl on a school bus and regrets it when karma strikes back.

This account is inspired by a subscriber story. All names have been changed to protect identities and ensure privacy. If you would like to share your story with us, please send them to info@amomama.com.


news.AmoMama.com does not support or promote any kind of violence, self-harm, or abusive behavior. We raise awareness about these issues to help potential victims seek professional counseling and prevent anyone from getting hurt. news.AmoMama.com speaks out against the above mentioned and news.AmoMama.com advocates for a healthy discussion about the instances of violence, abuse, sexual misconduct, animal cruelty, abuse etc. that benefits the victims. We also encourage everyone to report any crime incident they witness as soon as possible.

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