Daily Joke: Engineer Creatively Tells His Friend What He Is up To
A man was enjoying a leisurely day when he decided to call his friend who was an engineer. During the call, the pair engaged in small talk and updates on their lives.
Soon enough, the man asked his engineer friend how his family was doing. He also asked what the engineer was up to in the sunny afternoon. The engineer said to him:
“I’m working on a hydrothermal treatment of porcelain, glass, and metal in an environment under controlled pressure.”

Using engineering terms to explain house chores | Photo: Amomama
The engineer’s friend was impressed by this and praised him. However, after a while, the engineer whispered: “I’m doing the dishes, and my wife is supervising me.”
Three friends, an engineer, a physicist, and a mathematician, were traveling. However, it became dark, and they knew they needed to rest so they could continue the next day.

The professionals are on their way to book a hotel room | Photo: Shutterstock
The trio stopped over at a hotel and booked a room. After the bellhop pushed the luggage upstairs to their room, the three friends had their dinner and went to bed.
In the middle of the night, there was a fire outbreak, and the engineer woke up. He looked around frantically and spotted a fire extinguisher. He immediately picked it and sprayed it on the fire.
However, the fire’s intensity was too much that it took up to an hour before the engineer could put out the fire. When the fire finally went out, he breathed a sigh of relief and went back to bed.
After a while, the fire started again, and this time, the physicist woke up. He saw what was happening and picked up the fire extinguisher. But before he sprayed, he studied the direction of the fire.
He also observed the flow, humidity, and thermodynamic properties. He did some calculations, and then with one puff from the spray, the physicist focused on the right direction and blew at the fire.
Immediately as he did, the fire went out, leaving the smoke in its wake. The physicist was satisfied with how he put out the fire and continued his sleep. Everything seemed fine for up to an hour until the fire picked up again and blazed brightly.
The mathematician was aroused by the heat, and he could not believe his eyes. He looked around, searching for a way to put it out. His eyes settled on the fire extinguisher, and he exclaimed with excitement, “Aaaaah, the problem is solvable." He went to sleep afterward.
Sources: Upjoke.com, Upjoke.com