What Is the Number of the Parking Spot Occupied by the Car?
Puzzles are a great way to pass the time when we are bored or traveling, and they can be quite fun and stimulating. However, some puzzles just leave us stumped.
The puzzle below is a tricky one, the kind that leaves us scratching our heads for hours and hours and then leaves us feeling quite annoyed with ourselves due to how simple it is.
Like many things in life, simple doesn't always mean easy, and this puzzle will definitely test our ability to think outside the box in order to find the solution.

The parking lot brain-teaser | Photo: Smalljoys.tv
So, this brain-teaser brings us to a hypothetical parking lot with empty spots, each one a number of its own - 16, 06, 68, 88, and 98. You might have noticed that one number is missing.
It so happens that one of the parking spots is taken, as a fine gentleman decided to park his brand new sports car in the space between the numbers 88 and 98.

A luxurious yellow sportscar | Photo: Shutterstock
The objective is to find the number hidden underneath the car. Depending on our capacity to see beyond the obvious, we should get to the correct answer at different rates, so don't beat yourself up.
At first, looking from the right, the numbers seem to go in descending order, but that 06 before the 16 is looking very out of place, so it can't be that.

Several numbers grouped together | Photo: Shutterstock
The other way around also doesn't work, and although there are a lot of sixes and eights in the picture, they don't have any direct influence on the answer.
Blaming ourselves for our lack of mathematical skills is not the answer. In fact, the way to this puzzle's solution is all a matter of perspective. That is the keyword.

Two men with two different perspectives of a number | Photo: Shutterstock
Here's a small tip: flip the image upside-down. See? Now you get it, and you know the answer. Yes, it is, in fact, the number 87 that is hiding under the car.
As soon as we turn the image around, we can see that 16, 06, 68, 88, and 98 turns into a sequence - 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91. Math, but not math, brain but not the brain.
Puzzles are a fantastic way to exercise our minds, keeping them sharp and helping us increase our concentration levels. They are also a great way to relax, so feel free to try your luck with some of our other brain-teasers.