Daily Joke: Nun Wanted to Use the Restroom at a Local Restaurant
A nun badly needed to use the restroom, so she walked into a local dive bar. The place was pumping with music and loud conversation. However, every few minutes, the lights would turn off.
Furthermore, each time the lights would go out, the bar would erupt into applause. But, when the busy patrons saw the nun enter the bar, the room went completely silent.

This nun is in for an interesting surprise when she visits the restroom! | Photo: Shutterstock
She walked to the bartender and asked, "Hi there, dear. May I use your restroom?"
The bartender responded, "Yes, of course, but I need to warn you, there is a statue of a naked man in there wearing only a fig leaf."
"Okay, thanks for telling me," said the nun, "I will just look away!"
So the bartender directed her to the restroom. After a few minutes, the nun came back to the bar, and the patrons all gave the nun a long and loud round of applause.

Would the bartender be able to explain to the nun? | Photo: Pixabay/LEEROY Agency
The nun was very confused, so she turned to the bartender and said, "Sir, I do not understand. Why did they applaud me when I came out of the restroom?"
"Well, now they know you are just like everyone else," responded the bartender. "So would you like a drink?"
The nun was still very confused about the situation, "No thanks. But I still do not understand."
The bartender finally said, "Well, you see, every time someone lifts the fig leaf on the statue, the lights go out. So now, how about that drink?"
That poor nun! If you need more fun, check out the joke below about a man who took his wife to a bar in his hometown.

The nun would definitely need a drink after finding out the truth. | Photo: Pexels/Helena Lopes
One summer evening, a couple was exploring the husband's hometown. He had shown her all his favorite spots from when he was a child, and they had decided to stop at a local bar for a few drinks before their dinner.
After a few minutes, the wife noticed that her husband was staring at a drunken woman who was swigging on her drink and making a lot of loud noise, so she asked, "Hey babe, do you know that woman?"
"Yes," the husband said jokingly, "I heard she did not take our break up well when we split 10 years ago. Apparently, she had not been sober since."

Wow! What a lovely time at the bar. | Photo: Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio
The wife was astonished and said, "My goodness! Who would think a person would carry on celebrating for that long?"
If you need another laugh, spend some time looking through our large joke collection, starting with this joke about a nun and a priest who went for a drive and the priest couldn't keep his hands to himself.
Source: Worstjokesever and Upjoke.