Daily Joke: Beautiful Lady Lays Eyes on a Construction Worker at a Bar
After a hard day's work, a young construction worker decided to visit his favorite bar for some refreshing drink. He drove down to the location in his blue 1996 ford F150 truck and was thankful for the traffic-free journey.
When he entered the bar, he walked down to his favorite spot and sat down at the usual table. When the waiter brought his order, he blissfully took a sip from his cold beer.

Photo: Shutterstock
As he enjoyed the taste of his licorice, he sighted a beautiful lady sitting in a far corner of the bar. But he was too tired to give the beauty much thought, so he returned his attention to the glimmering drink in his hands.
The night progressed, and the noise and music in the bar got louder. Still, the construction worker paid no attention to all of this as he drank another glass of his refreshing golden ale.
Unknown to the man, the beautiful lady had been admiring him since he stepped into the place. She stood up and adjusted her body-fitting mini-dress before walking to his table.

She is more than ready to shoot her shot at him | Photo: Shutterstock
She sat next to him and ordered a drink. The man didn't mind her company, and the two engaged in small talk. Their conversation continued for a while and even extended further than he had expected.
The night went on smoothly, and as they continued their conversation, the two realized they had some things in common. The lady was really interested in the construction worker that she prayed in her heart that the feeling was mutual.
She started flirting with him, hoping that it would work and she would eventually take him to her home that night. She asked him with a seductive voice if he had any plans for the next day?

He is not moved, only wants to take his drink | Photo: Shutterstock
The young man just smiled at his stunning company as he took a big gulp from his cold beer. When he was done, slightly drunk, he told the lady with a beam on his handsome face:
"Honey, I don't work weekends."
If you enjoyed this joke, you might find this one even more hilarious. It is about a young man who broke up with his girlfriend and met a pretty lady at a bar. He went home with the lady but failed to mention an important detail.
Source: Reddit.com