Angelina Jolie Reveals She Considers Divorce from Brad Pitt a Human Rights Issue
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have made it clear that they are not friendly after their separation. However, many did not expect the United Nations spokeswoman to consider her divorce a human rights issue.
It has been five years since Angelina Jolie filed for divorce from Brad Pitt and the actress is finally ready to open up about her relationship. Since then, the couple has had several public spats due to their custody battle.
The world has watched in shock as the custody battle has played out and wondered how things got so bad. Luckily, Angelina did not withhold on the couple’s breakdown in a recent interview with The Guardian.

Angelina Jolie delivers a speech during a press conference after visiting a refugee camp in the border between Colombia and Venezuela , June 2019 | Source: Getty Images
Angelina Jolie has spent two decades advocating for human rights through Goodwill and the UN. As a result, the actress decided to team up with a child rights lawyer to pen her new book, “Know Your Rights.”
“Know Your Rights,” a title inspired by a Clash song also tattooed on the actress’s back, acts as a guide for young people. The book details all the rights for children under the UN convention on the rights of the child.
The UN-approved rights of the child have been ratified by 196 countries, excluding the United States. When asked about why she wrote the book, Jolie opened up about the concerns that inspired her:
“I’ve met too many children who live with the effect of their rights being violated [...] I couldn’t understand why they were still fighting for basic things that were their rights...”
Then, the activist and actress brought her inspiration closer to home by revealing that she experienced a children’s rights violation with her children. Once that was revealed, she shared that is when she revisited the rights of the child.
Jolie had previously alleged that she witnessed and experienced domestic violence cases when she was married to Pitt. However, the FBI cleared him of all allegations, and the actor admitted to only yelling at his children.

Accompanied by their six children, Brad Pitt and Angellina Jolie appear before photographers upon their arrival at Haneda Airport in Tokyo, November 2011 | Source: Getty Images
Nonetheless, Jolie seems to be standing by her word, although she could not say much due to legal proceedings. The actress shockingly
that she feared for her family’s safety when she was married instead.
Jolie has faced criticism for requesting that her children be allowed to testify against Pitt during their custody proceedings. She reveals that this is one of the elements about her divorce that violated her children’s rights.
As per the UN rights of the child, children should have a voice in court. Of course, since they are not ratified in the United States, Jolie’s experience highlighted the human rights issue in her divorce process.
The couple is still in the middle of their custody battle, and proceedings may start over due to a recent appeal by Pitt. The “Fight Club” actor is currently disputing Jolie’s recent legal win, which granted her primary custody of their minor children.