A crying baby | Source: Shutterstock
A crying baby | Source: Shutterstock

Teen Girl Puts Her Newborn Son in an Orphanage, Years Later She Accidentally Meets Him – Story of the Day

Roshanak Hannani
Oct 06, 2021
03:30 P.M.

Amber got pregnant at 17, and the baby daddy didn’t want anything to do with the child. Her parents were embarrassed and forced her to give the baby up for adoption. But the kid showed up in her life in the most unexpected way.


“I can’t believe you did this, Amber!” Amber’s mother, Nadia, yelled. She had just told them about the pregnancy.

“You’re 17 years old, young lady. What are you going to do with a baby? Your life is ruined!” her father, Nickolas, bellowed too. “This is going to ruin our reputation!”

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Amber’s parents were a prominent part of the high society in Hartford, Connecticut. They were wealthy and only associated with rich people. They also went to charity events and had connections to politicians as well.

But their family was also religious, and they believed everyone would judge them for having a teenage daughter who was pregnant out of wedlock.


“Who is the father?!” her father demanded.

“It’s Brian Westfield,” Amber answered.

“Well, the Westfields are a great family. Maybe it could work….” Nadia started speculating.

“No, Nadia. What are you talking about? The Westfields would do anything to maintain their reputation. They would deny any association to this child. No, Amber has to get an abortion immediately,” Nickolas concluded.

“NO!” Amber exclaimed.

“You do not have many options, Amber!” her father roared.

“I don’t care. It’s my body, my choice,” she reasoned.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


“Then you better convince Brian to marry you immediately,” her father insisted and locked himself in his office.

“Amber, we raised you to believe that abortions are wrong, but having a baby at your age and without a husband… it’s not the best choice,” her mother said, trying to persuade her.

Amber decided to talk to Brian the next day, but he denied everything like any other 17-year-old boy. He called her some choice names and told her to get an abortion. But Amber didn’t want to have one.

“Brian won’t take responsibility, but you still don’t want an abortion. Ok, we can hide your pregnancy and then give the baby up for adoption. It’s the only way, darling. You were irresponsible, and we will not support you if you decide to keep it,” Nadia began.

“But mom—”

“I’m sorry. I know this is harsh, and that’s technically my grandbaby. But your father and I will not budge on this. I hope you make the right choice for that baby,” her mother finished and left her to ponder.

Amber thought all night. She calculated the cost of living in their town and what it would take to raise a child, and she couldn’t do it at 17 without any support. It was not feasible, so she agreed with her parents.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

She hid her entire pregnancy and gave birth in a private part of the hospital. She immediately fell in love with the boy and his emerald green eyes.

“I’m sorry I can’t keep you, baby. I hope you have a wonderful life,” Amber told her son before the lady from the adoption agency took him away.

“You’ll recover from this, and in the future, you’ll see how it was the right choice, Amber,” her mother said on the drive back home from the hospital.

But Amber resented them, so she left their house after her 18th birthday and never spoke to them again. She settled in a small town nearby called Kent and enrolled in the community college before transferring to a four-year college.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

After graduation, Amber started working and building a great teaching career. She eventually got a fantastic job at a private school in Hartford. But instead of moving back to her home city, she commuted every morning there.

Eventually, she met Jake, and they got married after dating for a few years. They agreed to wait before having children, but Amber couldn’t forget about her son after all these years.

One day, a new kid transferred to her third-grade class. His name was Adam Lynn, and he had the same emerald eyes she had seen in the hospital. Amber stared at him furtively during her class, wondering if he was her son.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


When school finished, she saw Adam’s mother picking him up. It was clear he was adopted because she was dark-skinned, while Adam was white as snow. That night, she told Jake about it, and he suggested they talk to the parents.

Surprisingly, they agreed to meet with them. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn were the kindest people in the world. Amber told them everything about her past and how she was forced to give up her son. Anna Lynn showed her the adoption agency's paperwork, which featured Adam's date and place of birth.

"Yeah, that's his birthday, and it's the same hospital," Amber confirmed.

“We’ve never lied to Adam about being adopted. We didn’t know anything about his birth parents, but you must have been destined to meet,” Anna commented. They talked some more, and Amber finally asked to see her son.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


“I’m glad you’re so understanding. Is there a chance I can meet Adam?” Amber asked. Luckily, Anna understood and agreed after some consideration. They planned a playdate at a park a few days later, and Anna brought Adam to see her.

“So, you’re my birth mother?” he asked after they greeted each other.

“Yes, I am. But you can call me Ms. Amber because I’m also your teacher,” she replied.

“I look like you,” the boy added.

“Yes, you do,” Amber agreed.

“But what about my mom?” Adam asked worriedly, glancing at Anna.

“Oh, Adam. She will always be your mother, and I’m not trying to replace her. But do you think I could have a place in your heart too? If it’s ok with your mom,” Amber explained.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


Adam agreed and smiled for the first time. Amber, Anna, and the boy played around in the park for a while. But he soon joined some of the kids, leaving his mom and Amber behind.

“I can’t thank you enough for this, Anna. I know it was a lot to ask,” Amber said gratefully.

“Oh, Amber. I have raised that boy since he was a baby, and you gave me that gift. I always wanted to meet you,” Anna answered. They looked at each other with tearful smiles and held hands for a few seconds.

What can we learn from this story?

  • Fight for what you think is right. No one has the right to decide over your body. It’s your choice, and you should do what’s right for you.
  • Adoption can be a blessing. While Amber didn’t want to give her child up for adoption, she blessed the Lynns with Adam, and Anna was always grateful for that.

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This story is a work of fiction inspired by a subscriber’s account and written by a professional writer. Names, characters, businesses, events, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events that have occurred is purely coincidental. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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