Walmart Cashier Pays for Customers in Need and Refuses to Take the Money Back
Some radiant people walk among us that we may not even notice. They could be a neighbor you never say hi to, that guy that sits next to you at work, or in this case, the bubbly cashier in aisle 25 with a heart of gold.
It's no secret that money can be the root of many individuals' struggles, leading them to battle to provide for themselves and their families. Generally, those who understand the reality of having little to no change in their pocket may be more empathetic to those who share the same issues.
This is why they don't hesitate to share where they can. Sadly, these everyday acts of kindness tend to go unrecognized. However, sometimes the light is shone upon them, and these Good Samaritans receive the praise they deserve.

Walmart cashier Gloria receiving a bouquet. │Source: youtube.com/Eastidahonews
One Walmart customer ensured that this happened when he encountered a shining beacon of light in the form of a friendly Walmart employee. He wrote a letter to East Idaho News about the moving encounter. The anonymous individual said he had to rush to Walmart recently, penning:
"I grabbed what I needed, continued to self-checkout, rang up, and realized I didn't have my cards, wallet, money nothing."
He thought maybe he could use Google Pay to purchase his products. This was when he approached the retail worker Gloria, asking if this was possible.

Gloria doing her job as a cashier at Walmart. │Source: youtube.com/Eastidahonews
Unfortunately, the apologetic cashier informed the unknown shopper this wasn't an option at Walmart. However, the worker did something amazing, using her debit card to pay for his products. The mystery man wrote:
"It really touched me though. She told me it was no big deal, not to worry about it and that she does things like this all the time."
The letter expanded on what the Walmart employee said when asked why she was paying for him. Gloria said she does it all the time and explained that many elderly individuals sometimes couldn't afford to buy all they needed.
East Idaho News decided to pay back the cashier with a bouquet, explaining that they had received an anonymous letter letting them know about her heartful and compassionate gesture. When asked why she is so generous, Gloria answered:
"I mean I know what it's like not to have money so I just feel like I should help somebody else out."

Individual commenting on a YouTube post by East Idaho News. │Source: youtube.com/East Idaho News
They also presented her with other forms of thanks, such as chocolate and gift cards. This cashier is just one example of how doing something kind for your fellow human being can not only make you feel good about yourself, but you may even get some chocolates in the process.