
Man Stalks Young Girl in Walmart, She Rushes to the Phone Cases Section and Clerk Helps Her

Rita Kumar
Nov 02, 2021
07:20 A.M.

A teen’s shopping day out at Walmart turned into a nightmare when she was stalked by an older man her grandfather’s age. She immediately recalled her mother’s advice and rushed to the phone cases aisle.


Though she was 15, Reddit user jae_faith looked a bit older, but nothing more than 17. She’d gone shopping at Walmart in what seemed like a typical teen day out.

The Original Poster (OP) toured the store’s aisles alone. She headed to the hair dye section and ran into an older man. However, she didn’t know that this casual meeting would turn out to be a nightmare in broad daylight.

OP goes shopping in Walmart | Photo: Shutterstock

OP goes shopping in Walmart | Photo: Shutterstock

While OP began looking for hair dye, the older man started talking to her. She took it casually and didn’t find anything eccentric at first, considering his age. She explained:

“He told me he was looking for hair dye for his granddaughter but couldn’t find the color she wanted because he didn’t have his reading glasses on.”


OP found the bright barbie pink shade he’d told her. She also asked him for more details about his granddaughter’s hair to ensure he got the right amount of dye.

Teen wanders around the aisle in Walmart | Photo: Pexels

Teen wanders around the aisle in Walmart | Photo: Pexels

The older man got the dye he was looking for. He thanked OP for her kind gesture and headed to the next aisle. OP took her dye and walked over to check some room décor. She added:

“When I was in the aisle with the bedding sets, I noticed the man was there as well.”

OP assumed he was shopping for his granddaughter’s birthday and ignored him. She grabbed the bedding she wanted and went to buy some artificial plants. To her surprise, the older man was there as well.

Older man stalks OP | Photo: Unsplash

Older man stalks OP | Photo: Unsplash

She was a bit unsettled. OP turned to the older man and vaguely smiled. She was confused as he no longer had the hair dye and bedding he’d taken before.

OP didn’t know the older man’s intentions, but she knew they weren’t good.

OP freaked out. She took her phone to call her brother, but it was already dead. It was a fight or flight situation as OP realized she was being stalked. Just then, she recalled her mother’s advice on how to handle danger in Walmart.

OP recalls her mother's advice | Photo: Unsplash

OP recalls her mother's advice | Photo: Unsplash


Her mother had told OP to head to the aisle with phone cases to find assistance. Since the phone cases are always locked, workers would be there to help customers. OP rushed to the cases section. She added:

“When the worker came over to help, I explained my situation and pointed out the man to him. Me and the worker both realized at this point that the man was sitting down and seemed to be recording or taking pictures of me.”

The worker had a plan in mind. He handed a random case to OP and rushed to the changing room. Meanwhile, another worker pretended he had trouble in ringing OP up. The older man watched them impatiently, unaware that it was a trap.

The older man keeps a watch over OP and her ultimate moves | Photo: Unsplash

The older man keeps a watch over OP and her ultimate moves | Photo: Unsplash

A few minutes later, the worker who’d given OP the case reentered. But this time, he was in his casual clothes and looked like a customer. He wandered around the aisles and headed towards OP. She explained:


“He very loudly asked where I had been. I told him that I was just getting a new case, but there seems to be a problem getting it rung up.”

The staff pretended to argue with OP. He grabbed the case and returned it to his coworker. He raised his voice and told the worker that they would be leaving, audible enough for the older man to hear.

Store staff wanders around the aisle | Photo: Pixabay

Store staff wanders around the aisle | Photo: Pixabay

The worker accompanied OP to the self-checkout and waited until her brother arrived. OP didn’t know the older man’s intentions, but she knew they weren’t good.

After reading her post, several users praised the Walmart employee for thinking spontaneously. Redditor PaperStSoapCO_ applauded him in a comment that read:


“Damn, that’s some quick thinking from that employee! That’s awesome. I’m so glad he was able to help you out of that situation.”

OP makes it to safety | Photo: Unsplash

OP makes it to safety | Photo: Unsplash

User toastertroodle said he was glad OP was ok and told the world is filled with deranged people. Experiencing continuous unwanted contact from an unknown person can be alarming, and users thought OP did the right thing in approaching the staff for help.

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