A baby crying | Source: Shutterstock
A baby crying | Source: Shutterstock

Little Boy Finds Abandoned Stroller with Newborn Girl in Park, Years Later They Meet Again – Story of the Day

Sonali Pandey
Nov 06, 2021
12:40 A.M.

Little Ethan finds a stroller with a baby in a snow-covered park. Years later, fate brings them together under very unusual circumstances.


Nine-year-old Ethan trudged through the snow-laden streets of his neighborhood. He was on his way home from school, his backpack slung over his shoulder and his woolen cap pulled low over his ears.

As he passed an oak tree, a stroller in the neighborhood park caught his attention. Ethan carefully approached the stroller and stood on his toes to look inside. A cute baby stared back at him. She had a birthmark on her left cheek.

"What are you doing here alone?" Ethan asked the baby, looking around. But he didn't see any worried parents looking for their baby.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Shutterstock

Ethan couldn't leave the baby alone in the cold, so he took the stroller home.


His mother panicked when she answered the door and saw him with a stranger's baby.

"Whose baby is it, Ethan?" she asked. "Where did you find the stroller?"

Ethan told her everything. His father was home, too, and suggested calling the police.

While they waited for the cops, Ethan sat with the baby, who gurgled and played with his fingers.

Suddenly, the sharp ring of the doorbell broke the silence. His father moved quickly, opening the door.

A distressed couple stood on the doorstep. "Lily!" the woman cried, looking over Ethan's father's shoulder at the baby, and stormed inside.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


Holding her baby, the woman sobbed while the man thanked Ethan and his family.

"It's OK. I just saw her in the park…It was cold, so I brought her home," Ethan shrugged.

"I can't thank you enough for it," the woman said.

She revealed she was walking Lily in the park when someone stole her purse. In a moment of panic, she ran after the thief, thinking she could catch him. But the guy got away. When she returned, she saw Lily wasn't there. She told her husband what had happened, they called the cops and found Lily.

The baby's parents expressed their gratitude and left the house with Lily. Little did Ethan know he would meet Lily again.

25 years later…

As Detective Martinez effortlessly drove the car through the streets, Ethan regretted his life choices. He had never imagined he would be sitting in a cop car, handcuffed.

Detective Martinez looked in the rearview mirror for a moment, and their eyes met. Ethan quickly averted his gaze.

"I…I never thought I'd find myself here," Ethan said, looking out the window.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Shutterstock

"Well, life is full of firsts," she replied sharply.

Ethan sighed and turned to look at her. He noticed the birthmark on the detective's left cheek, and memories flooded his mind.

"Wait!" he said loudly. "I know that birthmark…The baby! You're the baby from the park!"

Detective Martinez's brows furrowed. "I'm sorry. Have we met before?"

"25 years ago, when you were a baby, a young boy took you to his home. Your parents came later looking for you," he said. "I was the one who took you home because I didn't want to leave you alone in the cold!"

The detective glanced at him again. "I see…I recall the incident," she said. "My parents told that story several times when I was growing up. They never forgot his kindness. So…what brought you to my police car?"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Shutterstock

"It's a bit of a long story," Ethan said.

"Take your time," Detective Martinez replied. "We've got a bit of a drive ahead of us."

Ethan sighed and started his story.

Two days ago…

Ethan was repairing an old car at the garage where he worked. Suddenly, his buzzing phone distracted him. He looked at the caller ID and frowned. It was an unknown number.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Shutterstock


Ethan answered the call.

"Hello? Mr. Thompson?" A female voice appeared over the line. "I'm speaking from St. Peter's Hospital. This is about your daughter, Emily…"

Ethan listened in despair as the woman informed him that Emily needed urgent surgery. The cost of treatment would come around $150,000.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Ethan told her he would arrange the money and hung up. But he didn't have that kind of money. Ethan had no idea what he would do now. He couldn't concentrate on work, so he asked his boss for a day off and went home.

Back at home, Ethan paced his living room anxiously. Emily's life was on the line, and he needed to arrange cash immediately. He didn't have a friend who could loan him such an enormous sum or any savings, and he didn't have anything he could sell except…his house.


The house contained memories of him and Emily; Ethan would've never decided to part with it. But Emily's life mattered more than anything.

Ethan called a realtor, who was also his friend.

"Paul's Realty, Paul speaking," came a voice through the other end.

"Hey, Paul. It's me. I need to sell my house. Urgently."

"Oh, Ethan! Sure! What's the matter?"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

Ethan told Paul everything—Emily's surgery, his lack of savings, and the need to sell the house.

"Alright," Paul said. "How about we meet at Joe's cafe? I'll bring the paperwork."


"Thank you so much, Paul!" Ethan was relieved and hung up.

At the cafe, Paul showed him the paperwork, and Ethan signed the document without even caring to read it.

"She's in the hospital…I would've never sold my house if it weren't for her," Ethan expressed his sadness.

"You're a good father, Ethan," Paul said. "And I promise, I'll make sure this house gets sold."

As they parted ways, Ethan was assured he would be able to save Emily's life.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Shutterstock

Ethan was in his daughter's room when the doorbell rang. Ethan marched to the door and was shocked to see an officer on his doorstep.


"Mr. Thompson?" asked the officer, producing a set of papers. "We have documents, signed by you, transferring this property to Mr. Paul of Paul's Realty. According to these, you're trespassing."

Ethan quickly scanned the documents, and his heart sank. He hadn't read the papers before signing them, and now he learned Paul had tricked him into transferring the property. Ethan asked the officer for time to gather his belongings and then left the house. He didn't have a choice when his signatures were on the papers.

Ethan was crushed. Emily's life was still in danger, and the only source for funding her treatment was gone. Ethan checked into a cheap motel for the night. The next morning, he arrived at work with his luggage. He stashed his things in his locker.

During his break, Ethan called the realtor's office, expecting to talk to Paul. Maybe he could convince Paul to return the house? However, it was Paul's secretary who answered. Ethan learned Paul was out of town for a few days, and it was then Ethan had an idea.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash


He knew Paul had an extensive collection of paintings at home. He had spent the previous night researching Paul online. He was frustrated and looking for ways to get back at the man.

As the call ended, Ethan approached his best friend and colleague, Tom. Tom had been involved in robberies in the past, and Ethan asked for his help.

"I need to do this for my daughter, Tom," Ethan said. "Please. Just this one time. Help me."

There was a long pause. Tom didn't want to assist Ethan, but after hearing about Emily's condition, he agreed. "I will help you, but my involvement will be minimal," he told Ethan. "Alright?"

That was enough for Ethan.

That night, they arrived at Paul's house. Ethan's heart raced as they parked near the property.

"Are you sure about this?" Tom asked him, and Ethan nodded.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Shutterstock


The two men gathered their tools and carefully approached Paul's mansion. A tall, iron-wrought fence surrounded it, but Tom was quick to notice a weak spot and helped Ethan climb over. Then he climbed inside, too.

As they both stood in the mansion's front yard, they agreed Ethan would quickly grab the things he needed and leave. Ethan nodded, and the two men made their way to a backdoor. Tom picked the lock, and Ethan entered the house.

From a dimly lit hallway, Ethan made his way into the living room. Its wall was lined with masterpieces. Ethan slowly took a few of them off the wall and carefully placed them on the floor.

Suddenly, he heard someone's footsteps. They grew louder, and Ethan panicked. He quickly tossed the paintings outside through the open living room window. Tom was supposed to wait near it and collect the paintings.

A deep growl made Ethan stop and turn. A menacing dog glared at him from the room's corner.

"Easy, boy," Ethan whispered, trying to keep his voice calm and steady. "I'm not here to hurt you." He slowly began inching towards the door, keeping his eyes on the dog. However, any relief he might have felt was shattered when the dog let out a loud, echoing bark.


Moments later, a woman's voice echoed through the halls, filled with surprise and alarm. "Bruno? What's going on?"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Shutterstock

Before Ethan could react, the woman, likely the home's caretaker, entered the room. Her eyes widened in shock as she took in the scene – the open window, the missing paintings, and the stranger trying to sneak out.

"I'm calling the police!" she declared, reaching for her phone.

Outside, Tom, who had successfully collected the paintings, heard the loud barking and the unmistakable sound of commotion. Realizing that their plan was falling apart, he left the paintings, hurried to his car, and drove away.


Inside, Ethan was in a predicament. The dog, sensing the tension, lunged towards him. Acting on instinct, Ethan tried to dodge the beast, but Bruno was too quick. The dog managed to grab hold of the hem of Ethan's pants, tearing a sizable chunk from them.

"Let go!" Ethan shouted.

As the dog continued to bark and growl, Ethan's mind raced. He glanced around the room, spotting the window he had used earlier. Without a second thought, he sprinted for it, leaped out, and landed on the soft grass below. He escaped from the mansion. But when he was running down the road, he was surrounded by cops and arrested.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Shutterstock



Ethan's story was interrupted by the crackling of the police radio. "Detective Martinez," the detective said into the receiver. "Are you certain?"

Ethan could only make out bits and parts, so he asked her what the matter was. He wasn't prepared for the guilt he felt when the detective informed him that the housekeeper who had spotted him had passed away due to a heart attack. She couldn't handle the shock of seeing an intruder in the house.

"I'm so sorry…I didn't mean to do it," Ethan said.

"Surely, you didn't. But actions have consequences, Ethan. However, building a case against you would be hard. We only have the evidence of the robbery and the proof that you were at the property. Since there are no witnesses, it's going to be a challenge."

"So…can I be released? I need to go to my daughter. Please."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Shutterstock


"No, I can't allow that," she said. "The law is equal for everyone. But rest assured that your daughter will be taken care of."

Detective Martinez followed through on her promise. She paid for Emily's surgery, and when Emily was finally conscious, she told her the truth about Ethan's arrest.

However, there was another important decision she had made.

"You can be home with me until your Daddy returns," Detective Martinez said, sitting beside her on a stool. "I can take you in, Emily…As a temporary guardian."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Shutterstock

"Would I call you…Mom then? And will I get to see Daddy?"


"You can call me Lily for now," Detective Martinez replied. "And yes, you will be able to see your Daddy occasionally."

Emily smiled and reached for Detective Martinez's hand. "OK," she whispered.

It was a new beginning for her, Detective Martinez, and Ethan.

Tell us what you think about this story, and share it with your friends. It might brighten their day and inspire them.

If you enjoyed this story, you might like this one about a woman who spots her husband taking his wedding ring off before leaving for work. She decides to follow him, only to discover something shocking.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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