
8-Month-Pregnant Woman Left by Husband Finds $7,000 Donated by Kind Strangers in Her Oven

Ayesha Muhammad
Nov 28, 2021
12:40 P.M.

After three years of trying to become parents, a couple discovered they were expecting a child. Then one day, the husband decided to walk out on his pregnant wife, leaving her with a mound of debt and a completely shattered heart.


Being surrounded by your loved ones in times of joy and sorrow brings a sense of sheer comfort and relief. The mere thought of becoming parents to adorable bundles of joy is so overwhelming that they can't picture anything better for couples.

Much like other couples, Amanda and her husband wanted to welcome a child to complete their family. While the Australian couple struggled in the process, they decided to keep going.

[Left] Teary-eyed Amanda. [Right] The money donated by kind strangers stashed in the oven. | Photo: youtube.com/KIIS1065au

[Left] Teary-eyed Amanda. [Right] The money donated by kind strangers stashed in the oven. | Photo: youtube.com/KIIS1065au


They desperately kept trying but failed miserably every single time. Soon they reached a point where their hopes began to dwindle. Amanda and her husband were now haunted by scary thoughts - what if they never had a child of their own?


For three long years, the couple battled with infertility. Then one day in 2015, they received the news that changed their life forever. Amanda was finally pregnant, which meant she and her husband were on their way to becoming parents.

After learning the happy news, the couple began making big plans for their little angel. They purchased the perfect home and made all preparations to welcome their baby, who would soon be an integral part of their lives.

Amanda's house stacked with months of baby supplies, courtesy of the giveaway crew. | Photo: Photo: YouTube.com/Kyle and Jackie O

Amanda's house stacked with months of baby supplies, courtesy of the giveaway crew. | Photo: Photo: YouTube.com/Kyle and Jackie O


Amanda was in the process of embracing motherhood when a heartbreaking incident turned her world upside down. She was eight months pregnant when her husband walked out on her and his unborn child.


As the camera crew headed toward her kitchen and zoomed in on the oven, Amanda had no idea about what could be hiding inside.

It all came out of the blue and was something Amanda had never thought would come to pass. With a broken heart, she now had to think about raising her child alone and managing to pay the enormous house debt.

A closer view of Amanda's fridge stacked with months of food delivery supplies. | Photo: Photo: YouTube.com/Kyle and Jackie O

A closer view of Amanda's fridge stacked with months of food delivery supplies. | Photo: Photo: YouTube.com/Kyle and Jackie O

But little did she know that her considerate friend, Anna, was crafting the perfect plan to help her. Anna contacted Sydney Radio Show KIIS 1065, which is popular for its generous giveback segment. On the show, Amanda shared her story:

“It’s been about five weeks since it happened. And the biggest thing is just the shock, I guess because it wasn’t really what we planned, or what I planned.”


After giving the listeners a heart-touching introduction on Amanda and everything she had endured, the show hosts knew it was time to surprise her with something special.

A closer view of Amanda's oven hiding a special surprise from the giveaway crew. | Photo: YouTube.com/Kyle and Jackie O

A closer view of Amanda's oven hiding a special surprise from the giveaway crew. | Photo: YouTube.com/Kyle and Jackie O


They told Amanda to look at the TV screen behind her, where she saw the cameras zooming in to a front door that was oddly familiar to her. It was the front door of her house. The camera crew then proceeded to enter the house.

The abandoned mom couldn't believe what she saw next. Her house had been stacked with a myriad of amenities courtesy of the radio show's giveaway segment.

Much to her surprise, the giveaway crew had arranged six months of cleaning services and three months of food delivery. Her house was fully stocked with baby supplies, including a special baby photography voucher.


But this wasn't all, because they saved the best gift for the last. As the camera crew headed toward her kitchen and zoomed in on the oven, Amanda had no idea about what could be hiding inside.

She was astonished to see that the oven contained $7,000 (AU$ 10,000), donated by Zach's Academy Early Learning Centre. The amount was enough to pay for her mortgage and relieve her stress as a single parent.

Amanda was overwhelmed by the kindness people had shown toward her and thanked everyone for their generosity and love as she tried to hold back her tears.

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