Flickr/Bill Abbott
Flickr/Bill Abbott

Man Conducts Paternity DNA Test on First Child behind His Wife's Back

Salwa Nadeem
Dec 30, 2021
07:20 A.M.

A woman opened up on Reddit after discovering paternity test results that her husband had hidden from her. She revealed he had taken a paternity test on their first child without informing her.


The woman shared that she had been married to her husband for three years, and they had their first child after a year and a half.

However, while she was a few months pregnant, her husband said he needed to talk to her. He said he wanted to take a paternity test.

Source: Flickr/Bill Abbott

Source: Flickr/Bill Abbott

The 27-year-old woman with the Reddit username OldUltimatums revealed she was 6 months pregnant with their second child. She wrote the post because she felt clueless after discovering what her husband hid from her.

She confessed she didn't have the best relationship with her husband when she first met her. He was a shy man with multiple insecurities. She explained:


"He'd constantly worry he wasn't good looking enough, tall enough, what-have-you."

They didn't have the best relationship in the beginning | Source: Unsplash

They didn't have the best relationship in the beginning | Source: Unsplash

OP (Original Poster) blamed her husband's friends for brainwashing him all the time. She believed they told him not to trust her because she had so many ex-boyfriends.

She gave him two options. — she would forgive him if he forgot about the paternity test or he could get a paternity test and they get a divorce.

She also believed they had told him that she was using him to get money. However, she wasn't sure if her husband believed everything they said.

His friends said terrible things about OP behind her back | Source: Unsplash

His friends said terrible things about OP behind her back | Source: Unsplash


Things took a different turn when she married her husband. His friends stopped saying bad things about her, and she thought they would never do it again, but she was wrong. She explained:

"A couple of months into my pregnancy with our son, he came up to me and said we needed to talk."

OP felt heartbroken after hearing that her husband wanted a paternity test. Tears trickled down her cheeks as she yelled at her husband and asked him what made him think she had cheated on him.

OP cried after learning her husband wanted a paternity test | Source: Unsplash

OP cried after learning her husband wanted a paternity test | Source: Unsplash

Her husband confessed that his friends had made him think she was using him. OP felt angry knowing his friends still said the same things about her and her husband believed them.


She gave him two options: she would forgive him if he forgot about the paternity test or he could get a paternity test and they get a divorce.

Her husband chose the first option. He broke his friendships after she gave birth to their child. By then, OP believed her husband had started trusting her, but she was wrong.

OP believed her husband trusted her | Source: Unsplash

OP believed her husband trusted her | Source: Unsplash

One night, she stumbled upon a shoebox in their office while her husband was asleep. Curious, she opened the lid to see what was in there. She confessed she shouldn't have opened it. She explained:

"I found the paternity test he had gotten behind my back. Surprise, surprise, it was his! Because of course it was..."


Her husband kept the secret from her for years until she found the shoebox. She felt terrible about it and confronted him. He apologized and told her he wasn't the same person anymore.

OP felt bad after knowing the truth | Source: Unsplash

OP felt bad after knowing the truth | Source: Unsplash

He also said he wouldn't do the same with their daughter, but OP wouldn't believe him. She was shocked at how her husband had been lying to her for years.

She posted her story seeking advice from other Redditors. jolie178923-15423435 suggested going for couples counseling with her husband because they believed OP owed it to herself. Another user wrote:

"I think the fact that he got rid of those friends does indicate he has made some changes in his life."

She posted her story on Reddit seeking advice from other users | Source: Unsplash

She posted her story on Reddit seeking advice from other users | Source: Unsplash

The user pointed out that OP knew who she was marrying. She knew her husband was easily influenced by his friends, yet she chose to marry him and have multiple children with him. The Redditor said OP shouldn't be surprised her husband did something like that.

However, the user said OP and her husband could go for couples counseling and rebuild their trust. They believed divorce wasn't the only solution to their problem.

Most users suggested OP seek help from a counselor since they believed it would solve their problems without filing for divorce.

Other users asked OP to go for counseling | Source: Pexels

Other users asked OP to go for counseling | Source: Pexels


Questions to Ponder:

Would you marry a man knowing he gets easily influenced by his friends?

OP knew her husband's friends said terrible things about her behind her back but chose to marry him anyway because she trusted him. However, seeing how his friends influenced his decision to take the paternity test, OP felt slighted. If you were OP, would you consider the friends' influence on her husband a red flag prior to marriage?

Do you think OP should give her husband another chance?

OP threatened divorce should her husband decide to take a paternity test. However, after she learned he did it behind his back, she wasn't so sure whether to forgive him or not. Some people may advise her not to give her husband another chance because he betrayed her. However, others, like some Redditors, believe the husband deserves a second chance considering he gave up his friends. Others also suggested seeking professional help.

If you enjoyed reading this story, you might like this one about a man who took a DNA paternity test after a friend tipped him about his fianceé's infidelity.

All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com

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