Man Smashes His Truck on Neighbor’s Mailbox and Demands Money for Damages to His Truck
The man heard a loud crashing sound and assumed his neighbor's truck had bumped into another car. But when he hurried outside, he saw the guy's truck had smashed after ramming into his mailbox. The man realized he was in deep trouble after the cops arrived.
Redditor somehugefrigginguy's neighbor loved to race his truck downhill from the middle of the street that led to his house. One day, while doing this, he unexpectedly crashed onto his neighbor's mailbox and was stunned looking at his damaged truck. He called the cops on his neighbor but landed in deep trouble himself.
Posting his story on Reddit's "ProRevenge" forum, the Original Poster (OP) said he lived in a quiet little town in the Midwestern US. To OP's disbelief, the serenity he enjoyed here became a nightmare after a new guy with a strange fetish for downhill truck racing moved in.

OP's new neighbor was obsessed with downhill truck racing. | Photo: Unsplash
After seeing his new neighbor, "Dick," OP thought the guy had this "cool guy" aura. Although OP admitted to riding motorcycles himself, he claimed he didn't have Dick's habit of sitting on his driveway during the wee hours of the night revving his engine.
Problems started when Dick moved in next door at the end of the quiet dead-end road. For some reason, Dick liked to race down the slope from the mid-street that led to his and OP's houses. Upon reaching, he'd lock his brakes and crash into his driveway.
As the cop examined the wreckage, OP grew anxious. The officer observed the mailbox's construction and the truck and then looked at the two men.
In the winter after Dick moved in, OP found his mailbox destroyed. The fresh tire marks on the snow-clad path leading down the street onto the ruined mailbox led to Dick's driveway, so OP knew it was Dick's evil deed that destroyed his mailbox. He confronted him a few days later.

OP's new neighbor, Dick, loved to race down the slope on his truck. | Source: Unsplash
To his disbelief, Dick constantly denied it and said he had no idea what happened to his mailbox. He randomly blamed the delivery guy and brushed it off.
OP let it slide and fixed his mailbox, assuming that was the end of it. However, the last straw happened a few months later. Again, OP found his mailbox pulled apart. He fixed it, only to find it run over again.
OP was furious and decided to teach Dick a lesson the hard way. He immediately contacted his cousin, who was a commercial welder.
He asked his cousin to customize him a mailbox using scrap steel plates mounted on an old railroad track. To give it a wooden mailbox appeal, OP had it covered with cedar shingles and cemented it in concrete into the ground. From the outside, the mailbox appeared like a typical wooden one.

Dick often ran over OP's mailbox & blamed others. | Source: Unsplash
Soon after he installed the mailbox, every time OP heard Dick's truck roar down the street on the farthest end, he eagerly awaited the scene he'd planned in his mind. But nothing turned up for the next several weeks.
Five months later, OP heard a sharp crashing sound outside…it was Dick's truck. The collision sounded so fierce that OP assumed Dick had rammed into another car. He raced out to see if anybody needed any help and found Dick's truck barraged onto the mailbox. Only this time, Dick's truck was ruined.
On seeing OP approach the scene, Dick yelled at him and blamed him for destroying his truck. He threatened OP with charges and called the cops.
Moments later, a cop arrived and began taking Dick's report. Was Dick justified? Well, this is where he tasted a little twist of fate…

Dick called the cops on OP. | Source: Unsplash
Dick explained to the officer how OP's mailbox was customized to destroy his truck. As the cop examined the wreckage, OP grew anxious. The officer observed the mailbox's construction and the truck and then looked at the two men.
He asked OP if he had any issues with the mailbox before. OP explained finding it smashed on several occasions.
After listening to OP's point, the cop said: "It's pretty clear what happened here. This is an obvious case of wanton destruction of property."
OP was agitated as Dick registered a smug look on his face. Just then, the officer turned to Dick and said, "I'm going to issue a citation for this, as well as reckless driving." The cop wrote Dick two warrants and told him to pay for damaging the wood on OP's mailbox.
OP was relieved and pleased with his little payback. After posting his story online, he amassed widespread support from fellow Redditors who flocked to flood his post with similar experiences.

After listening to both sides, the officer ticketed Dick & told him to pay for damaging OP's mailbox. | Source: Unsplash
"My family's farm had a similar problem. My grandfather rebuilt the mailbox out of angle iron and the center post out of a well casing," shared Redditor Regret_the_Van, adding:
"My grandfather got kick out of local [expletive] trying to drive by bash the mailbox with a baseball bat and being in for quite the surprise when the mailbox just pivoted away."
Some like user GISftw related to OP's situation and recalled a similar incident their family friend had endured. "Lost a couple of mailboxes. Built an over-engineered steel and concrete nightmare...His mailbox lasted about 2 months," he stated. However, the person's mailbox was ultimately destroyed by local vandals.

People on Reddit shared similar stories of how their mailboxes were recklessly destroyed. | Source: Unsplash
Some vandals like the ones Redditor PSX_ recalled learned their lesson the hard way for destroying public property. When the high school kids destroyed mailboxes by playing baseball with them, the person's dad rebuilt theirs with a steel plate covered in wood, just like how OP did, and the boys had a hard time a week later.
"They were using a metal baseball bat, it bounced off the steel, took out their back window, they swerved, ran in and out of the ditch, busted a headlight, ripped part of the bumper off, and then booked it out of there," the Redditor recalled.
The kids were ticketed the next day after the Redditor's dad found the car that matched the wrecked parts and called the cops.

Redditor recounted how their dad called the cops on high school kids for destroying his mailbox. | Source: Unsplash
After his petty revenge on Dick, OP rechecked the mailbox and was relieved that it wasn't damaged like before. "The metal was fine, hadn't even tilted it, but the wood camouflage had broken off," he concluded.
As for Dick, it's still guesswork if he'd stopped running over OP's mailbox after the incident, and only time will tell if he regretted his mistake!

In the end, OP's customized mailbox survived all odds & taught Dick a lesson he'd never forget. | Source: Pexels
Questions to Ponder:
Do you think Dick would stop destroying others' property after being ticketed for destroying OP's mailbox?
Dick called the cops on OP after ramming his truck onto the steel mailbox. But after OP explained what happened, the cop ticketed Dick and asked him to pay for the damages on the mailbox. Though Dick learned his lesson the hard way, it's still uncertain if he mended his ways and stopped destroying others' property.
How would you exact revenge on Dick for damaging your mailbox if you were OP?
To teach Dick a lesson, OP customized a steel mailbox, gave it a make-believe wooden structure, and used concrete to install it on the ground. Dick assumed it was just an ordinary mailbox, and in an attempt to damage it, he destroyed his truck by running over it. In what other ways would you exact revenge on Dick if you were OP?
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