Boy Knocks on Mom's Boyfriend's Door, Baffles Him Months Later by Asking: 'Can I Call You Dad?'
A boy knocked on a gentleman's door one cold evening. They both thought their meeting was just about getting acquainted; little did they know that that encounter would create an inseparable bond.
Many children yearn to be surrounded by a family. In some cases, that family is created traditionally. In others, the journey to that goal comes with more twists and turns than anyone could ever imagine.
This was the case for a young boy, Connor, who met a man, Derek Julian, for the first time on Christmas Eve in 2016. Neither of them could have imagined Connor would be in tears by the end of the night because he didn't want to leave Derek.
Derek was just as enamored with Connor. He knew that Sarah and Connor would soon become more important to him. He could not wait to spend as much time with them as possible.
During the months that followed, all three of them spent a lot of time together. Derek began feeling that they were meant to be a family. Connor thought it too, so much that he asked, "Can I call you dad?."
This request caught Derek off guard, and he began to panic. He knew that he couldn't allow Connor to call him dad without consulting Sarah first. So, he told him that he would discuss it with his mom, and he would later tell Connor.
As soon as Derek told Sarah what Connor had asked him. She said that she loved Derek so much that Connor could call him dad if he were ready.
Several days later, Connor approached the question again. Derek asked him if he was sure that he wanted to call him dad. Connor quickly replied, "More than anything else in the world!" And that was the day that Connor started calling Derek his dad.
The months that followed were even more impressive than the previous months. Derek and Connor shared a lot of first experiences. They attended their first Little League baseball game together. Derek even dropped off donuts at Connor's school.
More importantly, Derek asked for Connor's permission to marry Sarah, and of course, he said yes. Derek and Sarah got married on October 13, 2017.
Connor got to be Derek's best man, and he was excited. It was the first time that he got to be the best man at a wedding, and what better way for him to be the best man at his chosen dad's wedding!
Now that Derek and Sarah were married, Connor had a different last name from Derek, making Connor sad. He asked Derek if he could change his last name.
Derek and Sarah both explained that it was not that simple — they had to follow an adoption process. But for months on end, Connor kept asking if his last name could be changed to Derek's last name.
Derek also asked Connor if he wanted his last name or if there was another reason he wanted to be adopted. "Well, of course, I want your last name. But I want to be your son officially. You are my dad!" he said.
With Connor clear on what he wanted, Sarah and Derek started looking into the adoption process. At the same time, the couple was trying for a baby, and sadly they were unsuccessful for over a year.
At this point, Derek and Sarah made a deal with one another. They would try to have a baby one more time, but if it didn't work, they would take a break and focus on enjoying their life with Connor.
Connor wanted a sibling just as much as Derek and Sarah wanted a child. He spoke about it as often as he could, and he even had the names picked out for his little brother or sister.
One day in August 2019, Sarah tearfully announced, "We're pregnant!" One month before Sarah gave birth to her baby girl, the Covid-19 pandemic hit. The hospital notified the couple that only Derek could be in the room during delivery.
Sarah gave birth to a healthy baby girl, and the family constantly doted on the little one. During the summer of 2021, Connor's adoption process was nearing its end. Derek contacted Connor's biological father to ask if they could both discuss his future.
He agreed, and they met the following day. They had a fruitful three-hour-long conversation. Connor's biological father acknowledged that he never had a relationship with Connor and gave Derek his blessing to become Connor's adoptive father.
After Derek rushed home to tell Sarah and Connor the excellent news, Connor began crying and wrapped his arms around Derek. All three of them realized that their dream was about to come true.
The adoption day on April 2021 could not have come any quicker. While in their lawyer's office, with the judge over the phone, Connor was officially adopted.
The family celebrated by picking Connor up in a stretch limo to celebrate with family and friends. On the way to celebrate, Connor rolled down the window and screamed, "I'm adopted. I'm a Julian!"
This story reminds us that family comes in different ways. It also shows that it doesn't take blood to make a family, it also takes love to create and sustain a family.