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Soldier Unexpectedly Returns Home to Wife after 2 Months, Finds Unknown Baby in Their Bedroom — Story of the Day

Manuela Cardiga
Jun 28, 2022
09:30 A.M.

A soldier comes home after a three-month absence and is shocked to find a newborn baby in his house, especially since his wife wasn't pregnant when he left.


When Adam Harris came home from the Middle East after a two-month stretch, the last thing he expected to find on his bed was a baby. He stood in the doorway just staring!

The baby was lying between two large pillows and it was waving tiny fists in the air. Adam walked closer and stared down at the child. It yawned at him, showing pink gums, then it started to cry. Loudly. Adam didn't know what to do!

Adam came home after a two-month tour of duty. | Source: Unsplash

Adam came home after a two-month tour of duty. | Source: Unsplash

He sat down on the bed, picked up the child, and jiggled it awkwardly. The baby hiccuped and started sucking on a fist. "There, there..." Adam said. Who was this kid? Where did it come from?

He knew it wasn't his and Kathy's. Kathy hadn't been pregnant seven months ago, he knew that. In fact, Kathy and Adam had been desperately trying to get pregnant for six years now. They had gone through several rounds of IVF, to no avail.


Sometimes what you most desire comes into your life in an unexpected way.

Adam hummed at the kid who just kept staring at him with those squinty, unfocused newborn eyes. "Who are you?" he asked, then a quiet voice behind him said, "She's ours if you agree..."

Adam turned with the baby in his hands to find his wife standing there. "Kathy!" he cried. "What's going on?"

Kathy sat down next to Adam and kissed him tenderly. "It's a long story..." she sighed.

"I've got all the time in the world," Adam said.

The baby started crying. | Source: Unsplash

The baby started crying. | Source: Unsplash

"Well..." Kathy sighed. "Remember how upset I was after the last IVF treatment failed?" Adam nodded. It had hit Kathy hard, and the result had been depression and therapy.


"I started going to this baby shop after therapy," Kathy explained. "I don't know why, it just gave me hope, you know? It even SMELLED like babies. So I met this girl there..."

"A girl?" asked Adam. "I presume she was pregnant?"

Kathy nodded. "Yes, she was, about six months along," she said. "And so young! She's fifteen, but I only found that out later. She was trying to come to terms with the idea that she was going to be a mom.

"She kept saying she wasn't ready, that it was the wrong time, the wrong guy. That she wanted to go to prom and college. But she also couldn't bring herself to not have the child, or to give it away to strangers.

Adam held the tiny baby in his hands. | Source: Shutterstock.com

Adam held the tiny baby in his hands. | Source: Shutterstock.com


"Anyway, we became friends. We had opposite problems. I wanted a baby so badly, and she was so afraid to have one..."

"What's her name?" Adam asked.

"Wendy," Kathy said. "Wendy Harris. So we started meeting up for tea every week, and it was good being able to be open and honest with SOMEONE. Then one day, about a month ago, Wendy asked me if I wanted to adopt her baby. I was stunned, but she said she wanted her child to have a good mom. She thought I'd be the best mom she could imagine. She begged me to think about it..."

"Why didn't you say anything to me?" Adam asked. "We were Zooming every other day! You could have shared..."

Kathy was depressed by her failure to conceive. | Source: Unsplash

Kathy was depressed by her failure to conceive. | Source: Unsplash


Kathy shrugged. "I don't know," she sighed. "I was afraid you'd be shocked, say no... I didn't know if I was prepared to adopt. I wanted to know what I wanted before I spoke to you..."

"And then?" asked Adam.

"Before the baby was born," Kathy said. "Wendy went to a lawyer and organized everything for private adoption. The baby's father was eager to dump the responsibility, and he signed. When the baby was born, Wendy signed temporary custody to me. Today is the tenth day. From today, this little girl can be ours, our own baby, our daughter. If you want her, Adam. We can finally have a family."

Adam looked down at the tiny mite looking up at him. He touched one of the tiny fists with his finger, and the baby grasped Adam's finger with incredible strength.

Kathy met Wendy at a baby shop. | Source: Unsplash

Kathy met Wendy at a baby shop. | Source: Unsplash


Adam looked up at Kathy and grinned. "I think she has decided for me," he whispered. "She's picked me! I'm her daddy!"

Kathy's eyes filled with tears. "I'll call Wendy's lawyer and ours," she said. "Tomorrow, by this time, she will be our baby girl."

"What are we going to call her?" Adam asked.

"I was thinking...Mia..." Kathy said. "It means 'mine' in Spanish."

"Mia," Adam said jiggling the baby gently. "Mia, I like it. Hey, little Mia! Guess what? You're ours!"

And she was. The next day, Kathy and Adam signed the adoption papers and little Mia was theirs forever. They finally had the family they dreamed of.

When Mia was three, Kathy fell pregnant. | Source: Unsplash

When Mia was three, Kathy fell pregnant. | Source: Unsplash


Three years later, Kathy was astounded to discover that she was pregnant and that Mia would soon have a little sister. Kathy and Adam's happiness was complete!

What can we learn from this story?

  • The bonds of love are stronger than the bonds of blood. The baby's mother was too young to care for her, but Kathy and Adam became the loving parents she needed.
  • Sometimes what you most desire comes into your life in an unexpected way. Kathy desperately wanted a baby, but she couldn't get pregnant. The baby she dreamed of came into her life through Wendy.

Share this story with your friends. It might brighten their day and inspire them.

If you enjoyed this story, you might like this one about a successful thirty-two-year-old woman who finds a newborn on her doorstep and realizes it's her grandchild.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.​​​​​​​

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