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Woman Is Stopped for Speeding While Driving Dad from Hospital — Cop Prays with Them Instead of Issuing Ticket

Ayesha Muhammad
Jun 28, 2022
03:00 A.M.

While driving her father home from the hospital, a woman didn't realize she had crossed the speed limit until she heard a siren and saw a blue light behind her car. Soon afterward, she had to pull over, but what happened next was something she never saw coming.


Love and kindness are powerful enough to brighten people's lives most unexpectedly. Sometimes, a simple hello, a pat on the back, or a listening ear can weave magic and act as bolsters, helping people get through the most unlikely circumstances.

In a world stricken with a global pandemic, chaos, hatred, and countless other dilemmas, being kind doesn't cost anything. The story we're sharing with you today is about a strange encounter that forged a profoundly heartwarming connection.



Ashlye V. Wilkerson's father, Anthony "Tony" Geddis, was her favorite person in the world. He had always taken care of her, from ensuring his presence at her parent-teacher meetings to driving her to cheerleading practice and attending her high school football games on Friday nights to cheer for her team.

While she went on to marry and have two children of her own, she still liked being called a "Daddy's girl." Wilkerson said she loved being in her father's company, who often donned starched jeans, cowboy boots, a strong cologne, and shirts bearing his initials, TG.

As an adjunct professor, author, and speaker, Wilkerson said she often asked her dad to accompany her to events that her husband, Kobie, couldn't attend. Per Wilkerson, her father was her plus-one ticket, even as an adult.



It was a Monday afternoon on March 28, 2022, and Wilkerson was driving her 2016 model silver Volvo south on Interstate 85 in Rowan County, North Carolina. However, she wasn't making the journey alone.

As the 39-year-old mom-of-two resumed the journey, she said she had difficulty digesting the encounter.

She had picked up her father from the Duke University Medical Center after he finished a round of his chemotherapy treatments. They were headed home to Columbia, South Carolina. Suddenly, Wilkerson said she heard a siren and saw blue lights in her rearview mirror.



When Wilkerson looked down, she realized she had passed the speed limit. She recalled that her dad, Anthony, told her to stay calm. In the back seat of her car were her daughters, Alana, 8, Ariah, 5, and her mom, the Rev. Fannie M. Geddis.

Shortly afterward, she pulled over, and an officer reached the car by the time Anthony rolled the window down. He introduced himself as Trooper Jaret Doty of the North Carolina State Highway Patrol. Doty had been a state trooper for 17 years.

He was said to have become a trooper after losing a childhood friend to a drunk driver as a teenager. After asking Wilkerson about what speed she was driving at, the state trooper asked her for her license and registration.



After offering him an apology, Wilkerson proceeded to find the documents. But at that moment, Anthony, who seemed weak and exhausted after the chemo session, decided to do something that he thought was best, given the situation. He told Doty:

"This is my baby girl. She's driving me home from a chemo treatment at the cancer center at Duke."

After hearing Anthony's words, trooper Doty shook his head, took Wilkerson's information, and walked toward his patrol car without speaking. Wilkerson recalled waiting for the officer to return, wondering what was taking him so long.



But astonishingly, the 45-year-old state trooper wasn't just evaluating Wilkerson's documents; he was assessing his own life. Doty said that after years of being a trooper, he had become excellent at reading people's body language.

When he stopped Wilkerson, Doty said he noticed her dad's slouched position and could tell he was writhing in pain. But what touched him the most was how Anthony jumped to his daughter's defense, despite being unwell. Doty said he knew that instinct and shared it.

What Anthony and Doty had in common was that they were both fathers to daughters. Doty had a 12-year-old girl, Avery, who was a cheerleader. He and his wife, Abby, had taken her to several cheerleading competitions. They also had a 15-year-old son, Cooper. Doty added:

"I could tell she was a daddy's girl. I would do the same for my daughter."



But that wasn't all. Doty said he noticed a pouch attached to Anthony's pelvis area and could relate because he had once been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and had to undergo surgery to remove parts of his colon. The state trooper recalled wearing a pouch attached to his stomach for the treatment.

Per Doty, the disease went into remission but made a comeback and made him so weak that he could barely leave the house. While recovering, the North Carolina officer said he made a vow. He further recounted:

"I said that if I could touch one person, or help somebody get through their illness, I would do it."



As Doty thought of his own health scare and pictured Anthony's fragile face, he knew he wouldn't hand Wilkerson a speeding ticket. After some soul-searching, he jumped out of his patrol car and walked back to Wilkerson's car. Then, he turned to Anthony and politely asked him what cancer he had.

Anthony said he had colon cancer. Doty then asked if he could pray for him, to which Anthony replied, "Of course. I absolutely believe in prayer." The state trooper didn't know that Anthony was chairman of the board of deacons at his church and his wife was a pastor.

Soon afterward, the two men grasped each other's hands and bowed their heads in prayer. Meanwhile, Wilkerson, who had been dreading everything so far, was so shocked and moved by what she witnessed that she decided to click a picture.



After the prayer, Doty put something in Anthony's hand and said, "I just want you to know that you have someone else praying for you on your journey." Instead of giving Wilkerson a speeding ticket, he let her go with simply a warning.

As the 39-year-old mom-of-two resumed the journey, she said she had difficulty digesting the encounter. She said her father didn't say a word, but his eyes were filled with tears, and she could tell the whole experience had deeply impacted him.

Nearly two months later, Anthony died at 61, leaving Wilkerson and the rest of his family in tears. A few weeks after his funeral, the South Carolina woman sat down, thinking about her dad. Suddenly, she was reminded of the highway incident.



Wilkerson posted the photo she had clicked on LinkedIn and social media to pay tribute to her loving father. Her post became a viral sensation, garnering 10k likes and more than 6k shares on Facebook. Her caption also summed up the story behind the image, which touched countless hearts worldwide.

The photo showed a White state trooper leaning inside the car as a Black man sat in his seat and winced in agony. But after people read Wilkerson's caption, they could tell that the officer meant no harm to the man, and the encounter was sweet and heart-touching.



Wilkerson noted that her father didn't like posting on social media, but she felt driven to share the touching incident with the world and celebrate his legacy. She also wrote in the caption:

"You didn’t know I captured this picture in the moment but I did it so it could continue to remind me of two things: 1- You always protected me even through your final days; and 2- You were a fighter, firm believer in Christ, and a praying warrior."

Moreover, she also thanked trooper Doty for praying for and with her father. Wilkerson's viral story also reached the North Carolina State Highway Patrol, and a spokesperson reached out to her with their condolence and heartfelt gratitude.



Eventually, the news made its way to Doty, who said he didn't know what had happened to Anthony or that a picture of their encounter existed. While talking to CNN about his meeting with Wilkerson and Anthony, he shared:

"This is not about me at all. I don't want any recognition. I didn't do anything. This man lost his life, and his daughter is honoring him. I want her to be able to honor him the way she wants, and not for something I did."



The trooper stated that he always silently prayed for the people he stopped, but there was something different about Anthony. He added:

"This was the first and only time that I ever verbally requested and prayed for somebody out loud on the interstate. I can't describe the odds of stopping her [Wilkerson], because there's hundreds of thousands of cars that travel through (Interstate) 85 every week."

While Wilkerson had witnessed Doty's warm-heartedness on the highway, she also had something else to cherish from that day. Before saying goodbye, the state trooper had pressed something in Anthony's hand — a silver metal cross.


Wilkerson said that after her dad passed away, her mom gave her the cross, and she would forever keep it safe to remember the lovely connection between Anthony and Doty.

What are your thoughts on this story? Have you ever encountered similar incidents where a stranger, especially a police officer, inspired you with their kindness? Please share your feedback with us in the comments section on Facebook.

If this story warmed your soul, please share it with your family and friends.


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