Mom Sees Her Kid Born as a Boy Start to Wear Dresses, Accepts Her as a Daughter
A few years after a couple welcomed their son into this world, they noticed an unusual change in his behavior. He was concerned about things that didn't bother other boys his age. Suddenly, it all started to make sense when the 6-year-old kid approached his mother and made a life-changing confession.
Having a child is one of the most beautiful experiences for a couple. They look forward to caring for their kid and celebrating every milestone their little one achieves. However, there are some things they aren't prepared for.
The child in today's story confessed something unexpected to his mother, making her think about what to do next. When she accepted her kid's decision, some people supported her, while others judged her and commented on her parenting style.
Parents Nikki and Graham Scott from Ontario, Canada, were excited when they welcomed their first baby, a boy, not knowing how things would turn out differently in a few years.
When their child turned 6, he told them he didn't feel like a boy. At that time, Nikki and Graham thought their son was just going through a phase, but they soon realized they needed to accept their daughter, Ella Scott's true identity. Nikki recalled:
"We always knew she was a little different when she was little as she was always friends with girls and played with Frozen toys."
Nikki also revealed that Ella never wanted to play with her two younger brothers, who liked to "play rough." She was interested in wearing skirts and dresses and wanted to grow her hair long.
Everything was going great until her classmates started giving her a hard time.
When Ella told her parents she wanted to be a cat on Halloween, they allowed her to wear a skirt paired with cat ears. Meanwhile, the Scotts also felt confused. They weren't entirely sure if they were doing the right thing by accepting what their daughter felt about her gender identity.
To see their daughter's reaction, Nikki and Graham showed Ella books about transgender people. To their surprise, their daughter said the words they had been waiting to hear. Ella confessed:
"I’m not a boy, I don’t feel like this inside."
After she came out, Nikki and Graham were still clueless about what to do next. They also wanted to know if supporting their daughter's decision was right, so they consulted a child psychologist who assured them they were on the right track.
Nikki and Graham let their daughter do what she liked after the psychologist confirmed supporting her transition was safe. They let her grow her hair long, wear girls' clothes and use she/her pronouns in school. Everything was going great until her classmates started giving her a hard time. Nikki recounted:
"Grade one was confusing as some peers were saying she wasn’t a girl."
Nikki and Graham shifted Ella to another school with her siblings to provide her with a safe space to transition. They found her teachers and friends to be very supportive.
When Ella turned eight, her parents thought it was the right time to let their extended family know about her gender identity. Unlike most parents, Nikki and Graham threw a gender reveal party years after their child was born.
Ella's brothers, Teddy, 6, and Regan, 5, excitedly accompanied her to the party. With her family's support, little Ella confessed that she didn't want to live like a boy and embraced her trans identity. Nikki said:
"Family gave her the most supporting and loving reaction as expected when she came out."
As a mother of a trans kid, Nikki felt she didn't have enough resources to help her deal with Ella's transition. She said she found much information about trans adults but nothing for trans children. Her experience gave her the idea to share her journey on her Instagram page to help other parents dealing with similar situations. She said:
"I want parents to feel they have a safe space because we didn't have anyone else us to help at the start of our journey."
However, not everyone was happy after reading about Ella's journey. Some people felt Nikki and Graham shouldn't have listened to Ella because she was too young.
"Isn't eight very young to sexualize any child? I wanted to be a horse at 8," wrote one Facebook user. Another one added, "Poor boy! That is a lifetime of mental health issues that can be attributed directly to his parents' complete stupidity."
While one person on Facebook said what Nikki and Graham did was "child abuse," others demanded social services step in and remove Ella from her parents' house. Meanwhile, one Facebook user said:
"Another young mind destroyed."
Some people believed parents shouldn't accept everything their children say, while others supported Nikki and Graham for throwing a gender reveal party for their trans child. What do you think? Should parents support their children in everything they do?
What would you do if you were in Nikki's shoes? Would you tell your child to behave like a boy and stop him from wearing dresses and skirts? Let us know what you feel about this story.
If you enjoyed reading about Ella's journey, share this article with your friends and family to tell them how Nikki and Graham supported their daughter.
Click here to read another story about a teen girl who wanted to come out, but her uncle told her not to because doing so meant she might lose her grandfather's $7M inheritance.