
Woman Wakes up Every Morning with No Memory of Last 23 Years & Thinking Her Fiancé Is a Kidnapper

Salwa Nadeem
Aug 22, 2022
10:35 A.M.

In a strange turn of events, a woman woke up next to a man she thought was a kidnapper and later discovered he was her fiancé. She often lost memory of the last two decades, but her fiancé always mysteriously managed to calm her down and make her remember what had happened in the past 23 years.


Sometimes, strange things happen in people's lives, leaving them speechless. They never expect to experience things they have only heard about from other people or seen in movies.

A 29-year-old woman went through something similar when she couldn't recall what had happened during the past two decades of her life. When she found herself in her fiancé's house, she thought he was an unknown man who had kidnapped her. She had even grabbed a spanner to protect herself from him.



In 2018, Chloe Barnard experienced something unusual while at the pub with her fiancé James, her father David, and his girlfriend. Suddenly, she couldn't recognize James and thought she had come there with her father.

Despite being in a relationship with him for five years, Barnard didn't know who he was. As they left the pub to go home, she saw her father drive away in a car with his girlfriend, leaving him behind. She had no idea what was going on. She recalled:

"My partner, who I didn't recognize, asked if I was going to get in the car, I said ok, but I thought my dad had pimped me out."



After she got into James' car, he asked her to drive. With a blank look, she stared at him and told him she didn't know how to drive, despite passing the test a year back. James had no idea what was going on. He couldn't understand why Barnard didn't recognize him.

When he got out of the car, Barnard locked herself in and called her mother, Trish, telling her about what had happened. At first, Trish tried to explain to her daughter that James was her partner, but when she realized that didn't work, she immediately drove to the pub to pick up her daughter.

Soon after the first episode, Trish took Barnard to the hospital, where the doctors diagnosed her with a rare brain condition, amnesia, usually triggered by a stroke. She forgets the past years of her life in varying amounts. Sometimes, Barnard thinks she is a six-year-old, and other times she thinks she is a teenager.



After the first episode of her amnesia, James understood what his fiancée was going through. He prepared himself for the next time she lost her memory. Barnard recalled:

"I can go back to being any age. I've been back to being six years old. That was horrifying."

Barnard remembered the night she went to bed after arguing with James. When she woke up a few hours later, she couldn't recognize her surroundings.



As Barnard stepped out of her room and went towards the staircase, she saw a stairgate and thought the house was hers because she believed she was six years old. She said:

"My partner was on the sofa with the dog, which I didn't know was mine. I sat on the stairs and said, 'who are you and who is the dog? I want my mummy and my daddy.'"

James remained calm and asked Barnard to get back into bed with him. At that point, she felt he would hurt her, so she grabbed her phone to call the police, but he took it from her. Then, she threatened him with a spanner and asked him not to come near her.



A few minutes later, James called Barnard's parents, who explained that he was her fiancé. The next day, she woke up with zero memory loss.

Barnard recalled another time when she lost her memory and thought she was 16. At that time, James didn't want to leave her at home alone, so he took her to work in his lorry. She recounted:

"I asked if my mum and dad knew I was with him and asked him to ring them, and my mum told me that we love each other and we're engaged."

A lorry on the road. | Source: Unsplash

A lorry on the road. | Source: Unsplash

While going with him in the lorry, Barnard wanted to call the police because she felt James was kidnapping her. Soon, she fell asleep and woke up thinking she was 19, but felt confused thinking why she was sitting with him in a lorry. She fell asleep again and woke up with no memory loss.


Barnard said she has one such episode every few months, which is caused by stress or lack of sleep. She tries to rest and stay calm but is always at risk of losing her memory.

Share this story with your friends and family to tell them about Barnard's rare brain condition and how James deals with it.

Click here to read another story about a girl whose father secretly took her away from her mother and gave her to his childless sister in another country.


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