Mail Carrier Hears Kid Yelling 'My Mommy's Dead?' from a Car, Immediately Drops His Mail to Help
Andrew Russell, a mail carrier, left home for work as usual and was walking his regular mail route when he heard a sound from a parked car that got his attention. He immediately dropped his mail and ran over to determine what had happened.
Often we wake up and head out each day with plans of what we hope to achieve or do in our head. However, just as we have our plans, life has its as well.
Life often throws a wrench in our perfectly-laid plans, and an unexpected situation might demand a version of ourselves that we did not know existed. What started as an ordinary day for Colorado mail carrier Andrew Russell turned out to be one he would remember forever. Here's what happened.

Andrew Russell speaking in an interview | Source: Youtube/Denver7 – The Denver Channel
Andrew Russell, a Colorado mail carrier working with the United States Postal Services, had left home on July 16, 2022, for work as he does daily.
He was walking his regular mail route in Wheat Ridge, doing his job when he noticed a car was pulled off on the side of the road. Russell also noticed a funny sound coming from the vehicle, like the engine was revving; nevertheless, he thought nothing of it.
However, he became concerned when the next sound he heard coming from the car was that of a child who sounded pretty hysterical.

The car from which the little girl was rescued | Source: Youtube/Denver7 – The Denver Channel
Russell realized a child was yelling from the car and instantly rushed to see what had happened. Once he got close to the car, he saw a child in the back seat yelling but could not make out was she was saying, so he moved closer. "The closer I got, I heard, 'My mommy's dead?'" Russell noted.
Once he heard this, Russell dropped his mail and quickly got the girl out of the car before he checked on the mother. After discovering she was slumped over, he quickly called 911 for help.

Mother of the rescued child, Ashlee Figgers, speaking to the police | Source: Youtube/Denver7 – The Denver Channel
By the time police officers arrived at the scene, the mother, later identified as Ashlee Figgers, who was previously slumped over, had woken up.
Figgers then admitted to the cops that she had taken a pill and, as she was driving, got tired and pulled to the side of the road, where she eventually passed out.
However, her six-year-old daughter could not figure out what happened and thought her mother was dead when she saw her slumped over. So when she spotted Russell, the confused youngster had to yell for help.

The rescued 6-year-old girl speaking to a police officer | Source: Youtube/Denver7 – The Denver Channel
Russell had started his day working to deliver mail; however, he ended up providing safety to a terrified six-year-old. His quick actions to jump in to help were hailed by everyone who heard of the incident. Police officer Kylee Fischer praised Russell. He said:
"I'm very grateful that he was there to help the child in the situation so that she had someone there that she can trust."
However, Russell remained humble as people praised his actions. The mail carrier also has a daughter, so hearing a kid yell for help struck a chord with him.

The police officer who arrived at the scene speaking in an interview | Source: Youtube/Denver7 – The Denver Channel
Although the little kid said thank you to him a couple of times, his only concern was for her safety, and he felt relieved she was okay. "Just right place at the right time. Just doing my job," Russell remarked.
Meanwhile, Ashlee Figgers, mother of the little girl, was arrested for driving under the influence of drugs, possessing a controlled substance, and child abuse. However, the little girl was taken to stay with family members in the area.

A mail man delivering letters | Source: Getty Images
Russell's actions ensured the kid was safe; if not for him, no one could have predicted what would happen. That day, Russell's decision saved the little girl's life; although he could have chosen to ignore her cry for help, he did not.
He got her out of the car, ensured she was okay then called for more help. He was at the right place at the right time and ended up becoming a hero to the girl and everyone present.
Kindly share this story so others can be inspired by Russell's heroic actions.