Poor Boy Cares for Rich Little Girl like a Father, Mom Finds Out and Asks Him Who She Is – Story of the Day
When a widowed mother learned her son had frequently been disappearing from school in the company of a pretty little girl, she decided to investigate. She stalked them and was terrified after learning the girl's identity.
At 2:30 p.m. sharp daily, Amanda Herbert would hear the bell over the front door chime and know 12-year-old Tyler had returned home from school. But lately, she noticed a weird pattern in her son's behavior.
Tyler started returning home later than usual and was always exhausted to play or watch TV. Amanda blindly believed him when he told her he had soccer practice after school. But it wasn't until a friend informed her of seeing Tyler with a little girl under a secluded bridge that her anxiety kicked in...

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One evening, Tyler returned home, unaware that his mom had gotten some clues about his suspicious activities. He pretended to be casual and naïve, but Amanda could not hold back her questions.
"Enough! Stop lying. I saw you with a little girl," yelled the mom. "What were you doing with her hair? Who is she? I'm not letting you out again unless you tell me the truth."
"So, where have you been today?" she inquired, hoping he would tell her the truth.
"Mom, I told you I have soccer practice after school. We're practicing for the match next month," he said.
"I heard you were with a girl near a stream under that old bridge," the mom curiously added. "What were you doing there, and who is she?"
The boy paused for a while and instantly came up with a convincing reply. "Oh, that? I was helping her cross the road, and she dropped her candy box on the stream bank. I was just helping her get it back."
Amanda sighed relief and assumed it was true. But with each passing day, she started hearing quite a few things about Tyler hanging out with a beautiful little girl.

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A few days later, Amanda was returning home from the market when she stopped to meet a friend and have a warm conversation. But it turned upsetting when the woman told her about seeing Tyler in the medical store refilling an asthma pump.
"An asthma pump? Nobody in our family has asthma. Are you sure it was him?" the mom exclaimed, doubting the woman's story.
"For whom is he doing all this? He was supposed to be in school practicing soccer...What's going on?" she worried. Although Amanda wanted to ask Tyler about it, she knew he would lie again.
After her husband died a few years ago, Amanda vowed to do everything she could to raise their son well. She was a clerk, and half her earnings were utilized to settle her debts. She struggled a lot to make ends meet but still managed it somehow because she knew Tyler would grow into a responsible adult one day.
But when the rumors of him kept piling up, she decided to get to the bottom of it. The next day, she drove to his school without his knowledge.

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That afternoon, Amanda parked her car a bit further from the school's main gate and waited for Tyler. She would have sighed relief if he didn't come out and he was indeed practicing soccer. But to her shock, Tyler was among the first few kids to exit the gate, leading a little girl by the hand.
Curious, Amanda got down from her car and crept behind them. Tyler walked toward an alley and suddenly stopped. He felt he was being followed and turned around. Amanda hid behind a building and snuck behind them again.
Moments later, she saw Tyler talking to the little girl. "Who is she?" mumbled Amanda, and as she neared them, she concealed her face with her scarf and witnessed the unthinkable. Tyler brushed the girl's hair before leading her into a ballet school. It did not add up to Amanda because her son never danced.
She checked inside the dance academy but lost track of the two in the crowd of dancers. Unable to get the answers she was looking for, the furious mother decided to confront Tyler for the truth.

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"Hey, mom! What's up?" a chirpy Tyler greeted Amanda after returning home that evening. "Can I please have some water? I'm so thirsty."
Amanda stared at him, and she did not look pleased. "What time is it?"
"Why? It's 6. Is anything wrong?" Tyler replied casually.
"I know it's 6. But where were you?" Amanda retorted.
"Mom, I told you I have soccer practice after school."
"Enough! Stop lying. I saw you with a little girl!" yelled the mom. "What were you doing with her hair? Who is she? I'm not letting you out again unless you tell me the truth."
Tyler was terrified and flushed red. "You followed me?" he stammered. Then walked to his mom and confessed. "Do you know Simon, my best friend? His parents sent him to a boarding school last month against his wish."
Amanda was confused about why Tyler was talking about his wealthy best friend. "I asked you about the girl," she fumed. "I know Simon is your best friend. What is the connection? Don't divert. I need only the truth about that girl."
"Yes, mom. I'm coming to that," said Tyler before revealing something his mom never knew about.

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"The girl I was hanging out with is actually Simon's little sister, Macy," he confessed.
Amanda was astonished. "Simon's little sister? And what are you doing with her after school? I don't get it," she exclaimed.
"I was dropping and picking her up from her ballet class," said Tyler. "And I help her with her homework. She struggles a bit in math. I play with her after that and then come home."
It turned out that before Simon left for another state, he was worried about who would care for his little sister. His parents were always busy with their business and had no time to spend with Macy. That's when Tyler promised to take care of Simon's sister and do everything on his end to ensure Macy never missed her brother.
Simon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George, agreed and trusted him with their daughter. However, Tyler never let it slip to his mother, fearing she would not allow him to keep his promise.
"I was just being a good brother to her. I'm sorry I had to lie to you," Tyler shyly confessed. "You always taught me that we should help others. I was doing what you told me, mom. From refilling her asthma inhaler at the medical store to helping her with math homework, I was doing what a brother was supposed to do. I should've told you earlier, but I was scared you would not allow me."

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Tyler's compassion for others touched Amanda. She regretted jumping to conclusions about him and hugged him in tears.
A few days later, Simon returned on holiday and learned of the things Tyler did for his little sister. He invited his best friend to his sister's birthday party, where he told everyone what Tyler had done for his sister.
Tyler handed Macy his gift at the party, and to everyone's astonishment, it was a pair of ballet pointe shoes. It turned out Tyler had saved his daily allowance for over a month to get those shoes for her.
While everyone was in awe of Tyler's kind gesture, Simon chimed in with a little speech. He walked up to his best friend, grabbed his shoulder, and hugged him tightly. "I will never forget what you did for me," he cried. "You are not just my best friend. You are my brother."
Simon's reaction moved everyone to tears. They applauded and praised Amanda for raising a kind son who always put others before himself.
From that day onward, Amanda never doubted her son's actions because she realized he was an epitome of trust and kindness. Furthermore, Simon felt a lot better returning to the boarding school after the holidays, knowing his little sister had another brother to care for her while he was away!

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What can we learn from this story?
A genuine friend will always step up for you and help. Simon was worried about who would care for his little sister in his absence. But his best friend Tyler stepped up and promised him he would do it. Ultimately, Tyler played the role of a caring brother to the little girl and filled the void of her brother's absence.
Kindness and compassion are more powerful than material wealth. Simon's wealthy parents were always busy with their business and frequent trips. They failed to provide the love and compassion Macy really needed, which Tyler willingly gave her.
After his little brother's death, a young boy started disappearing at strange times after school. His mother grew suspicious and followed him one day to get to the bottom of the mystery. Click here to read the full story.
This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.