Keisha Brazell and Abel Josiah Brazell. | Abel Josiah Brazell. | Source: Instagram.com/keishwa
Keisha Brazell and Abel Josiah Brazell. | Abel Josiah Brazell. | Source: Instagram.com/keishwa

US Woman 'Felt' the Lord Say, 'This Is Your Son. Let's Fight for Him', Adopts the Boy a Year Later

Ayesha Muhammad
Sep 09, 2022
12:20 A.M.

A couple longed to embrace parenthood and welcome adorable little angels into their hearts and home. But after months of trying to get pregnant, they found themselves on the verge of giving up. Then, one day, they received a message that proved life-changing.


Parenthood is an exceptional, one-of-a-kind experience powerful enough to alter people's reality. Every couple's parental journey is different and unique. While some couples are able to complete their families right away, others might have to wait a long time to hear children's cackles.

Sometimes, the endless challenges and struggles that couples endure to embrace parenthood can take an emotional toll on them. But the moment they hold their kids in their loving embrace, everything falls perfectly into place, and their hearts beam with infinite joy and gratitude. Take a look at this couple's exciting journey to becoming a family.


A Longing to Embrace Parenthood

Keisha Brazell and her husband, Landon Brazell, lived in Alabama. The lovely duo had a dream that most married couples had — to have kids and complete their family. After a year and a half of trying to get pregnant, the couple sought medical help, hoping it would enable them to figure things out.

The woman recounted that the little boy smiled at her and his bright blue eyes beamed with joy.

In January 2018, the Brazells sat with a doctor, hoping they would finally have the solution to their problem. Their hearts raced as the specialist studied their profiles. Keisha and Landon had already gone through multiple tests and couldn't understand what was wrong.


Feeling Clueless

However, what the doctor told them left them utterly clueless and baffled. The doctor said there was no reason for the couple not to be pregnant. Keisha said she spent a long time deciphering those words, but nothing made sense.

After a lengthy discussion, the Brazells decided to pursue IUI. Soon afterward, Keisha accompanied her husband to Miami, where he had participated in a CrossFit competition. During that time, Keisha said she informed her doctor that she had started her cycle.

Then, the doctor told her she could take her prescription from a nearby medical store. However, Keisha said she went to the pharmacy at least three times and even called the doctor, but to no avail. She recalled feeling hopeless and unable to control her emotions.


A Strange Text

When Keisha narrated the incident to the friends she and Landon had traveled with to Miami, they told her something surprising. "Keisha, I think there is a reason you weren't supposed to get that medicine," said her dear friend.

Keisha said she didn't understand it at the time but could feel that her friend was right. After talking things through with her husband and praying to God to find a way out, the couple decided to press pause on the IUI process for some time.

Little did they know what was right around the corner. On July 3, 2018, the Alabama woman said she received a friend's message with a little boy's picture. The text read:

"Have you guys ever thought about adopting? This little boy is in foster care and needs a forever home."


Praying Together

Keisha noted that she kept looking at the photo for five minutes, after which she felt a wave of surprise wash over her. Deep in her heart, she had always wanted to have a baby of her own and had never considered adoption.

Moreover, she couldn't understand how her friend, who knew nothing about her struggles to get pregnant, had felt the need to reach out to her. Keisha tried to process her options for some time, and when her husband returned home, she shared the boy's photo with him.

The woman said her husband saw the picture, after which they prayed together. Keisha confessed that she even prayed secretly and asked God to show her a sign of whether or not she and Landon were meant to pursue the kid in the photo.


An Unexpected Meeting

On December 11, 2018, Keisha was at the mall shopping for the Salvation Army Angel Tree Kids, a program where individuals and businesses came together to sponsor children. She was almost done for the night when she decided to go inside another store before leaving.

Much to her surprise, Keisha said she saw AJ when she turned down the kids' aisle. He was the same boy from the picture. The woman recounted that the little boy smiled at her and his bright blue eyes beamed with joy. She added:

"I felt the Lord say, 'This is your son. Let's fight for him.'"

Keisha said she hurried home in a frenzy and shared everything with Landon. She recalled feeling extremely emotional, unable to control the tears streaming down her face. Then, she brought the prayer journal and showed her husband how she had longed and prayed to meet AJ.


A Pleasant News

When Landon saw his wife's reaction and learned the complete story, he was taken aback. It was at that moment that the couple decided to bring AJ home. Keisha said she and her husband signed up for foster care sessions, hoping to adopt the boy eventually.

In October 2019, the Brazells were delighted to learn that the little boy would be placed with them. They waited for things to go smoothly, but with every delayed court hearing and other highs and lows, their journey became even more complicated.

Regardless, Keisha noted how she and Landon fell madly in love with the sweet boy. During that time, they also reached out to his biological mother, who loved him with all her heart.


Shattered to the Core

As Keisha got to know AJ's birth mom, something tugged at her heartstrings. She mentioned that one night, she sobbed so much that her emotions were all over the place. She said she broke down and told God that she couldn't handle so much.

But the Alabama resident said she felt relieved after hearing God say, "I went through a lot for you too."

Several months passed, and in May 2020, the couple received a court date for the termination of parental rights, which meant they would soon be able to adopt AJ.


Sadly, everything changed when the coronavirus pandemic hit the world. Keisha and Landon waited for things to improve and stayed in touch with the case worker. Then, they were given another court date for September 2020.

Keisha said she felt broken and lost and was particularly concerned for her husband, who suffered immensely. In the meantime, the couple prayed and sought refuge in God, which helped them navigate the tough times.


Finally Together

Sometime before the court date, Keisha recounted that AJ's biological mother contacted her and said she wanted to discuss something. When they finally sat down to talk, she told Keisha that she wished to renounce her parental rights.

The Alabama woman shared how relieved she felt when AJ's birth mom chose her and Landon to be his parents. Finally, after nearly a year of delays and detours, Abel Josiah Brazell became a part of Keisha and Landon's family on October 29, 2020.

At that moment, Keisha said she realized why she and Landon couldn't conceive and why she never found the prescription. We are glad that AJ found a forever home with loving parents, and we hope this family continues to celebrate many worthwhile moments.

Indeed, every child deserves a permanent home and a supportive family. Please share this story with your loved ones.

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