Texas Nurse Cares for Newborn with Birth Defect for 6 Months, Is Honored with Being His Godmother
After caring for a critically ill newborn baby boy for six months, a 27-year-old Texas nurse was surprised to learn what his parents thought of her. She received a note from them that she wasn't expecting.
Having a baby for the first time is a life-changing experience for many people. After learning about their pregnancy, parents can't wait to welcome their baby into this world, anticipating holding them in their arms as soon as possible.
The couple in today's story was also excited to welcome their baby, but the doctors told them something worrisome. Their baby had a rare medical condition, and they could lose him a few days after his birth.
The New Parents
Austyn Evans and Branden Williams of Florida were excited to welcome their baby into this world. They were all set to become parents and regularly visited the hospital for prenatal scans.
During one of the scans, doctors discovered something unusual. Soon, they told Evans and Williams that their baby boy would be born with a rare congenital disorder called lower urinary tract obstructions.
"It's a very bad diagnosis to get," Evans revealed. The doctors told the soon-to-be parents that the medical condition would affect their little one's kidneys and bladder.
A New City
"A lot of these kids do not survive past zero, or they just survive a few days past birth," Evans said about her baby's medical condition. A few months before their baby's birth, the couple moved to Houston so their little one could receive the best medical treatment at Texas Children's Hospital.
The parents gave Miller flowers with a note she wasn't expecting.
Evans and Williams didn't want to lose their son at any cost, so they moved cities, hoping to find the proper treatment for their baby. Little did they know that they would meet someone special at the hospital.
The Little Boy
Evans and Williams' baby boy, Conrad, was born on December 15, 2021, and was taken to the neonatal intensive care unit of Texas Children's Hospital, where Carly Miller worked as a nurse.
Miller instantly fell in love with little Conrad when she saw him for the first time. Since the little one was not doing well, the doctors kept him on a ventilator after medically sedating him. Evans recalled:
"One of the first things I remember Carly saying was not how sick my child was but how cute he was."
The New Machine
Conrad spent the next few months wrapped in medical equipment and wasn't allowed to go home. Evans and Williams were worried for their little one, but they felt relieved knowing Miller was there to look after him.
Miller worked the night shift during the next few months. Whenever Evans would call to check on her baby, the kind nurse would answer the phone and tell Evans how cute Conrad was before updating her about his medical reports.
Soon, the doctors said Conrad needed to get his dialysis done through a machine, which worried the parents. They requested Miller to be with him during that time because they had started to trust her with their boy.
The Kind Nurse
Instead of refusing their request because she didn't know how to operate the machine, Miller quickly became an expert at it and cared for Conrad. Other nurses reported that Miller would often check on Conrad when it was their turn to look after him.
Miller also helped Evans learn how to swaddle Conrad and care for his medical needs. The kind nurse knew how difficult it was for new mothers to look after their babies, so she taught Evans how to look after Conrad. Evans said:
"Becoming a first-time parent is hard. Becoming a first-time parent of a medically-challenging child is incredibly hard."
Going Home
Miller spent so much time with little Conrad that he started recognizing her voice. She even became friends with Evans and Williams while their son stayed at the hospital.
Soon, it was time for Conrad to go home. While Miller felt happy that he was feeling better, she probably knew she would miss being with him. However, she had no idea what Evans and Miller were thinking.
The couple respected Miller so much because she had been with their boy since the first day. She was the only person besides them who cared for Conrad so much.
The Note
After returning home, Evans and Williams knew they wanted Miller to be a part of Conrad's life. Soon, the parents gave Miller flowers with a note she wasn't expecting. The note read:
"Will you be my godmother?"
Miller had never thought her profession would allow her to forge lifelong bonds. After reading the note, she was over the moon and instantly told Conrad's parents that she was ready to be his godmother.
The Godmother
, and the fact that they wanted me to do that for him means the absolute world," Miller
as she expressed how lucky she felt to be a part of Conrad's life.
According to Evans, Miller leaves no stone unturned while caring for Conrad. She goes above and beyond to provide him with the best medical treatment and never makes him feel like he is not like other children.
Miller continues to stay by Evans and Millers' side as they pray for their boy's health. Since Conrad's kidneys didn't develop properly, he would need a transplant to help him live a healthy life.
The Comments
After reading about Miller's kindness, netizens couldn't help but praise the nurse. Here are some of the comments that people left under ABC News' Facebook post:
"You are definitely Conrad's guardian angel! The tears are still streaming down my face! I will keep praying for Conrad and all of you! God bless you, Carly!"
― (@Christie Ruth) October 10, 2022
"These men and women of our neonatal centers are true heroes. Day in and day out, they are saving the lives of our tiniest humans. We love them so much."
― (@Jennifer Bruner Rogers) October 10, 2022
"Such a beautiful story. Thank you, Carly, for being such a remarkable nurse."
― (@Susan Guerra) October 10, 2022
We pray little Conrad soon gets his kidney transplant and lives a healthy life with his parents and godmother by his side.
Click here to read another story about a nurse who adopted an eight-month-old baby after noticing the little girl had no visitors in the hospital for five months.
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